“You haven’ttouched me.”
“I believeI was the one who carried you out of the house and into the car. Ialso carried you up the steps and onto the plane. I would call thattouching.”
“Stop it.”Putting aside the drink, she clasped her hands in front of her. “Stoptreating me like a moron. Since you returned, you have treated melike someone you are barely acquainted with. Are you regretting thepregnancy? Regretting that we were involved?”
“Were?”His dark brows lifted. “I was under the impression that westill are.”
“Are we? Youhave not even kissed me-”
“I can’t.”
She blinked at him.“I- What?”
He took his timegetting to his feet, and she watched as he walked over to a cabinetbuilt into the wall. Pouring the amber liquid into a glass, he tookit with him back to stand at one of the portholes. “You needrest and recuperation,” he said.
He turned to look ather, eyes wandering over her animated face. Her dark brown eyes hadthe familiar sparkle but were still too thin.
He was afraid totouch her, and even though he wanted her like crazy, he was petrifiedthat he would hurt her. It had been so long since he tasted her, andif he approached her sexually, he was not going to be gentle.
“Why do youthink it is?” he asked mildly, swirling the drink in the glass.
“You are notinterested anymore. I can see it on your face.” She lifted herhands and dropped them back down, her fingers curling into fists. “Bea man and tell me to my face.”
Taking a sip ofhis drink, he put the glass down. “I came back for you, did Inot?”
“Was it just aduty? An obligation?”
His eyes glowered ashe stared at her. “I am going to ignore that and chalk downthis behavior to hormones-”
“Oh no, youdon’t!” She started to climb out of bed when he rushedover and stopped her. “Let go of me.”
“I thought youwere accusing me of not touching you.”
She glared at him.“You want to play word games with me?”
“Don’tupset yourself-”
“Stop it,”she said wearily, struggling to get out of his hold. “I am nota piece of glass-”
“You certainlyfeel like one.” Turning her to face him, he studied themutinous expression on her face. “I cannot stand to be near youbecause when I am, the only thing I want to do is make love to you.And if I do, I am afraid I am going to tear you apart. Is thatexplanation enough?”
“You could justhold me-”
“No.”Letting go of her, he slid off the bed. “I am hard.” hefinished harshly, turning towards her, his hand drifting to the frontof his pants, drawing her attention to the bulge there.
“I am achingfor you, and I am not a goddamned monster even though I bloody wellfeel like one. Look at you!” he gestured with one hand. “Youare skin and bone, and I am aching to slide my dick so deep insideyou that I cannot stand it. So, here is your explanation. Get somerest.” Before she could respond, he had walked out.
Flopping back againstthe mound of pillows, she closed her eyes tight. She was on the vergeof tears, which was what had been happening since she met him. It hadbecome worse since she became pregnant.
But oh, she wantedhim so damned much! She wanted to feel his arms around her, not justin an impersonal way, but to feel him taking her into his arms andkissing her with a passion that always managed to spiral out ofcontrol.
She wasvulnerable and afraid that he was looking at her and finding her lessthan attractive. She did not want him to treat her like a porcelaindoll. She felt like a woman in his arms, especially now; she wantedto feel that way again. She was feeling much better now and neededhim so much!
In the cabin, Landenleaned back on one of the sofas and cradled the drink in his hand, afrown on his brow. He wanted her so damned much that he could barelykeep still. He could not be in the same room as her and did not wantto bury himself deep inside her.
And he blamed himselffor everything. He sees how gaunt and tiny she is every time he looksat her. He just wanted her to get better and return to being thewoman he was accustomed to. Tossing back the drink, he slammed theglass down, grabbed a blanket, and tried to get some sleep.