Karen brushed backher sister’s hair and secured the thick strands into a looseknot on her head. “Oh, honey, we want you to get well and wakeup. Please wake up. Brian was here last night and will return to seeyou later.”
“I am sorry-”
“Oh!”Karen whirled around to see Landen standing just inside the doorway.“I was just tidying her up a little.”
“You were hereall night?”
Karen nodded, puttingaway the brush and straightening the gown. “I checked in everyfew minutes. The staff are excellent here, but I wanted to ensure shewas cared for.”
He nodded, eyes goingto the woman in bed. “She looks so still.”
“She needs therest. And I have every confidence that she will be okay.”
“Do you?”His eyes veered toward the woman, and he marveled that they bothlooked so different. Karen was merely attractive, but Tessa wasstunning. He wondered if the woman had ever been jealous of herbeautiful sibling.
“Yes. I havehope, and she is strong.” Getting to her feet, she stepped awayfrom the bed. “Just talk to her.”
“I have alot to say.” His smile was a little crooked as he came and tookthe chair Karen had abandoned. “You should go and get somesleep.”
“I will be backlater.” With a wave, she left the room and closed the doorbehind her.
Taking her limp handin his, he studied the long, elegant fingers with the blunt nails.From the first time, he had noticed that she did not keep them long,and her hand was soft and delicate.
“I want to seeyou paint. It’s funny that we spent that month together, andyou never showed me any of your work.” His head lifted to stareat her, and he felt the familiar constriction in his chest at howpronounced her bones were.
“And I nevertold you much about my childhood.” He smiled grimly. “Iguess you can say that you met my mother.” His smile faded, andhis expression turned bleak. “I apologize for her lack ofmanners, darling. I never knew she would go that far. I didn’teven know she had left the country.” Lifting her hand, hekissed the back of it.
“She told youabout Jillian. She was just someone I had been seeing before I metyou, and I broke things off with her immediately after returning toLondon. I told you that I could not bear to be with anyone else, andthat was the truth.” He sighed wearily. “Our lives havebeen irrevocably changed, and I think it is for the better.
But I don’tknow how you feel about being pregnant. Are you blaming me forputting you through all of this? I cannot lose you, darling.”Bending his head, he pressed a kiss on her forehead. “I cannotlose you.”
Tessa felt like shewas in the middle of a very dark place and coming slowly into thelight. Her heavy eyelids fluttered open, and the buzzing of themachines caught her attention, bringing back memories of what hadhappened. Turning her head, she gazed around the room, a frowntouching her brow.
She saw the cheerfullime green walls, the table next to the bed, and the large-screentelevision hooked up to the wall. Then her gaze touched the corner ofthe room, and she felt her heart shudder at the sight of the mansprawled in a chair.
Landen! Oh God, shewas not dreaming. He was here. She must have made a sound because itgalvanized him out of the chair, his eyes going immediately to thebed.
“Landen?”She croaked.
“You’reawake.” His voice was hoarse, and it took him less than asecond to get to her. Sitting on the edge, his eyes roved over herface. “How are you?”
“I feel like anidiot.” She admitted, attempting a smile. “You’rehere.”
“We have somethings to discuss.”
She looked away fromhim. “I should have told you.”
“You shouldhave.” Tucking his fingers beneath her chin, he stared at hersteadily. “Why didn’t you?”
“You had somuch gone on. First, it was your dad, and then you told me about thelawsuit-”
“Which hadnothing to do with us. You are carrying my baby inside you, and yousaid nothing to me. I called you almost every day-”
“I am sorry. OhGod!” She bit her lip. “I started feeling awful, and Icould not keep anything down, and I needed you so much. Then yourmother-”
“I know,”he said grimly. “Something else you kept from me. I had to hearit from your sister.”