“Is everythingall right?”
“You almostsound concerned,” he said softly. “If I did not know anybetter, I would think you cared. But I know you, Mother.”
“I have no ideawhat you are talking about.”
“Don’tyou?” Lunging to his feet, he went to pour himself a glass ofscotch. “I had no idea you took a trip out of the country.”
There was silence,and he waited, the anger churning inside his gut.
“She toldyou.”
“No, actually,her sister did. Tessa is unconscious. You see, mother, she iscarrying my baby inside her, and it’s not going well. She nevertold me about the pregnancy-”
“Perhapsbecause it’s not yours.”
He initially thoughtthat he could not be angrier than before, but he was dead wrong.“What did you say to me?”
“You just metthis woman and-”
“Her name isgoddamned Tessa!” He shouted. “What did you say to her? Iwant to know everything you told her, so please feel free to do soverbatim. Don’t leave anything out.”
“You have noright to talk to me-”
“I am waiting! Talk. Now.”
This time, thesilence stretched for so long that he thought she would hang up.
“I did what anymother would do. I told her to stay away from you. I told her thatyou had some woman stashed in one of the cottages-”
“You think wedidn’t know about that tavern girl you have been seeing? Weknew everything, and I told her that she was not the only one-”
“Mother, youleft the country to come here to confront Tessa? Why would you dothat?”
“I had nointention of allowing her to ruin your life.” His mothersnapped. “Blame me all you want, but she is not suited, and youknow it.”
Sitting back down, heclosed his eyes wearily. “I want you to listen carefullybecause I will only say this once. I am in love with her. She is theonly woman I want in my life, and I will not leave her side until sheis well enough. When that happens, I am going to marry her. You andFather do not have to be there.
That’s fine byme. I am perfectly willing and able to cut you both out of my life.And if you ever come near her again, unless you plan on apologizingto her - if you ever come near her again, you will not like whathappens after.”
“You cannot-”
“I can dowhatever the bloody hell I want. I am an adult, and in case you haveforgotten, I am in charge of finance. Goodnight, Mother.”
He hung up and took along swallow of the drink.
Tessa knew aboutJillian. His mother had filled her in and told her all manner ofnasty things. Was that why she had fainted? Why was her bloodpressure going through the roof? Had she taken what his mother saidto her to heart?
He had come into herlife and brought her all kinds of heartbreak and pain. Was he evenworth her time? He wondered wearily.
Her sister had toldhim that she had said anything to him about anything because she hadnot wanted to add to his burdens. How had she come up with the ideathat she should shield him?
Slamming the glassdown on the counter, he rose a little unsteadily. He realized thatthe exhaustion, emotionally and physically, combined with the drinkhe had imbibed on an empty stomach, was having an adverse effect onhim. His head was spinning, and he felt sick to his stomach.
Making his way out ofthe kitchen, he went into the living room to drop on the sofa.Stretching himself full length, he closed his eyes, keeping his phoneclose. When he arrived, he had called the doctor and was told therewere no further updates.
“Her bloodpressure is decreasing slightly, so that’s good news.”