Page 62 of Landen

“And? The guyis a goddamned multi-billionaire; what the hell could he be goingthrough that he cannot hear the news that you are carrying hisseed?”

“In case youhave forgotten, his dad is in a coma, and his company is in sometrouble.”

“I read aboutthe pending lawsuit. Now, what does that have to do with anything?”

“I don’twant to burden him any more than he already is.”

“Burden?”Karen exploded. “He knocked you up, and you think he will seeit as a burden? Tess, did you talk about having kids?”

“We did!”Closing her eyes, she leaned back in the chair. “I cannot tellhim about the pregnancy yet. I am going to wait a week or two.”

“What is thatgoing to accomplish?” Her sister demanded. “And speakingof pregnancy, I can tell from this distance that it is not goingwell.”

“What do youmean?” Brian asked Karen before turning to Tessa. “Whatdoes she mean?”


“Tess, we havebeen here for almost an hour, and you haven’t touched anything.And you have been in the bathroom three times already. You came backout sucking on peppermints.”

“So what?”She asked defensively. “I am sick. It happens to be one of thesymptoms.”

“How sick areyou?” Karen gave her a suspicious look. “This happens tobe late afternoon. What are you not telling us?”

“It feels likeI have been called into the principal’s office.” Throwingup her hands, she told them. “I cannot keep anything down.”

“By anythingyou mean-”

“Anything.”She pressed a hand to her stomach. “The pregnancy is kicking myass.”

“And what doesthe doctor say?” Brian stared at her in concern.

“It’snormal, and I should be over the worst of it in weeks. She gave mesome pills and -”

“They arenot working.” Her sister finished the sentence.

“No.”Tessa shook her head. “I will return to her in a couple ofdays.”

They both stared ather for so long that she started to feel uncomfortable. “I amfine.”

“You arenot fine.” Brian rose and came to sit on the arm of her chair.“You need to tell him, Tess, because you need him here. Stopthinking about his damn feelings and think about yours.”

She nodded. “Youare right. I will tell him.”


She looked up to seeGenny standing just inside the doorway, a strange look on her face.

“What is it?Don’t tell me the artist has decided to showcase his paintingselsewhere. If that’s the case, I’ll-”

“You have avisitor.”

Her pulse leapedas she wondered if Landen had decided to surprise her.


“I am LadyMargaret Chapman.”

Genny departedswiftly, leaving her to face the woman alone. Tessa had seen photosof her, but they did not do her justice. She had the same shade ofink-black hair as her son and the same shade of jade-green eyes.