“They are doingall they can. And he is getting the absolute best care.”
“What are wedoing, Landen?”
“I don’tknow what you mean?” But he did.
“This changeseverything.”
“It changesnothing,” he hissed. “Please don’t do this while Iam thousands of miles from you, darling. I cannot stand it. Rightnow, I only want to hold you, to feel your body wrapped aroundmine.”
“I am sorry.”She whispered.
“Don’t besorry. Just tell me you love me.”
“You alreadyknow that.”
“I want to hearyou say it, darling.”
“I love you.”
He sighed raggedly.“And I love you. I am on my way home to try and get some sleep.I know the time difference will be hell on us, but I will call andexpect you to do the same. No matter where I am, I will always pickup.”
“About thecard-”
“Darling, ifyou refuse to use it, you will greatly hurt me. I want to take careof you. I want to -” He bit off a sigh. “There is so muchI want to do for you.”
“And all I wantis you.”
“Oh, my sweet.”His body felt tense and exhausted. He was not sure how much more hecould take.
“You have me,”he told her hoarsely. “You always will. How are you,darling?”
“Tired. I planon going home early to try and get some sleep.”
“Okay, mysweet. I will call you tomorrow.”
He hung up andrealized that they were at his flat. Suddenly, it felt strange tohim, and it no longer felt like home.
“You werealways so practical.”
Tessa gave herstepsister an amused look as she handed her the glass of wine.
“What does thatmean?”
“It means thatyou have gone ahead and fallen in love with a man who is asunattainable as the moon.”
Karen curled her legsunder and took a sip of the wine. Tessa had left the galleryintending to come home, drinking an entire bottle of wine and tryingto get some sleep, but Karen had called while she was on her way andsaid she was nearby.
“I am nothingif not contrary.” She did not want to talk about him. What theyshared was private and too precious to be dissected, but knowing hersister, it would happen. “I guess American men did not do itfor me.”
Karen did not smileat the attempt to joke.
“Is there afuture?”
“He says therewill be.”
“And youbelieve him.”