Page 6 of Landen

“I have enoughfriends.”


His boldness gave hera start. Ignoring the uneven beating of her heart, she gave him apolite smile.

“I am not inthe habit of picking up strangers.”

“Hence theinvitation to have lunch or dinner. I am staying at a flat a fewblocks away.”


“Pardon?”He quirked a thick, dark brow at her.

“We call themapartments in the US of A.”

“Ah, yes. It’sgoing to take me some time to get used to that. So, what do you say?Lunch or dinner, and then we go back to my fl- I mean apartment?”

Shaking her head, sheturned to walk away when he stepped into her path.

“What are youdoing?”

“Isn’tit considered rude in every part of the world to walk away in themiddle of a conversation?”

“I thought youwere through spouting your nonsense, and since it seems like you haveno intention of purchasing anything-”

“That paintingyou were hanging. It’s a Jackson Colby, is it not?”


“What if I toldyou he is a personal friend of mine?” He sent her a charmingsmile that did funny things to her stomach.

“Are you tryingto impress me?”

“Is itworking?” He asked hopefully.

“No. If youwould excuse me-”

“I would liketo buy the painting.”

That stopped her.“Would you like us to ship it to your address in the UK?”

“No. I havebeen staying here for a month, and the walls of my flat are bare. Iwould like to spruce things up a bit.”

“You said youknow Jackson Colby.”

He nodded.

“Why don’tyou go to him and purchase something directly from him?”

“Then thatwould prevent you from getting the very hefty commission.” Heglanced at the bold splash of colors on the canvas.

“And you areconcerned about me receiving a commission.”

“Absolutely.”His green eyes wandered over the exquisite face, and a feeling ofintense lust swept over him. It must have been fate that had himwalking into this particular gallery.


“I can morethan afford it. I can also discuss how much I can afford it overlunch or dinner.”