Page 48 of Landen


“No.” Shewas on the brink of tears and promised herself she would not cry.“Don’t say anything.”

“I have to.”His hands came up to wrap around her throat. “I am coming backand going to stay in touch.”

“I would ratheryou didn’t.”

His eyes narrowed atthat. “What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Longdistance relationships don’t work.” She intoned in abland tone of voice.

“It will be along-distance thing for a short while.”

“You don’tknow that, and I have no intention of sitting here and wondering ifyou are coming back.”

“What are yousaying?”

“We might aswell say goodbye-”

“Is that whatyou want?” He asked her coldly, his British accent even morepronounced.

“It’s notwhat I want but is what it is.”

“We love eachother-”

“And in timethat will pass.”

He simply stared ather, the hurt and pain evident. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because Idon’t have a choice!” She cried. “You are leaving,and I will never see you again.”

She reined in herdistress and closed her eyes briefly. “It’s for thebest.”

“Too bad I donot agree,” he told her tightly. He let go of her, slammed thesuitcases shut, and dumped them onto the floor. Next, he dragged offhis clothes and turned back the sheets.

“What are youdoing?”

“If you are notalready carrying my seed, I will spend the rest of the night andmorning making certain you are.”


“Shut up!”Dragging her forward, he tore the blouse off her and got rid of thebra. Lifting her by the waist, he plunked her down on the edge of thebed so that he could take off her shoes and her trousers. She watchedhim numbly as he jerkily performed the task. There was a barelyleashed anger about him that had her remaining silent.

“Move over,”he ordered tersely. When she did, he climbed in next to her. Proppinghis head on his hand, he allowed his gaze to wander over her nakedbody, sweeping from her head straight to her sex, where his gazelingered.


“Don’tsay anything.”

She bristled at his tone. “I am notsome mindless bimbo-”

“No, you arethe woman I am irrevocably in love with,” he said thickly. “Ipromised you, and I intend to keep it. This is just a setback, and wewill deal with it.”

“I amlosing you-”

“You are not.”Reaching out with his free hand, he clamped it around her throat. “MyGod, do you think so little that you would believe I would go awayand never return? That I would forget what we share?”

“It’snot that.” She trembled, her heart racing so much that she wassure he heard it. “You are leaving, and I cannot bear thethought of never seeing you again.”