But he knew better;he thought bitterly as he drew smoke into his lungs. He had given upthe habit years ago, but the stress of what he was about to do hadhim picking it up again. He was seated on the balcony, the pleasantscenery lost on him.
It was hard tobelieve that the four weeks had flown by quickly. He had come herewith the jaded view that he would have a fling and return home,resigned to marrying someone he did not love.
It seemed like yearsinstead of weeks since he had arrived and happened to step into thatparticular gallery. Even though the place was a few blocks from wherehe was staying, he knew of other more famous galleries where he couldhave gone.
But fate had steppedin, and he had chosen that particular one and met her. Was heregretful of that meeting? No! As long as he lives, he will neverregret meeting her. She had changed his life for the better.
She brought outemotions inside him that he never knew existed. She made him laughfor the sheer joy of laughing. She gave him hope and lit a fire thatmade him feel like he was being transported on a cloud. He wouldleave her long enough to sort things out.
He owed it to them totell them the truth. He was going to lay it out for them. He had metsomeone, the love of his life, his soulmate - bloody hell! Before hemet her, he had thought that expression was utter nonsense. But notanymore. Stubbing out the cigar, he rose, his mind entirely made up.
“Honey, youhave not heard a single word I said. Am I boring you?” Herbrother’s deep voice was mild with a hint of impatience.
“I am sorry. Iam not particularly hungry.” He had called to ask her to lunch,and she reluctantly agreed.
Brian was anexcellent lawyer and adept at ferreting out the truth.
“We have notseen you for weeks. Karen said she went by the house, and you werenot there.” He stared at her curiously as he spooned up tomatosoup. "I hope there is a good reason for that.”
“I havebeen working-”
He shook his headfirmly. “Unless you tell me you are working twenty-four/seven,you might as well forget it.”
She gave him awhimsical smile. “Would you buy it if I told you that my sociallife has become extremely active?”
“No,” hetold her bluntly. “Now, what the hell is going on?”
She considered lyingto him but decided it was best to tell him the truth. She had beenhoping to avoid them both until- Her mind shied away from the awfulreality of Landen leaving.
“I metsomeone.”
“That’sgood news.” His dark brown eyes met hers. “Or is it? Ishe married?”
“No!”Pushing away her barely-eaten sandwich, she reached for the glass ofwater and gulped. “No.”
“Then what’sthe problem?”
“He is from theUK.”
“I see.”Understanding dawned. “Here on vacation?”
“Yes.”She took another gulp of water and wished it was something stronger.
“So, it’sjust a holiday fling. No wonder you have not introduced him. Good foryou-”
“I am in lovewith him.” She interrupted huskily, her throat aching.
“Long distancerelationships-”
“Never work.”She finished. “There is more.”
His eyes narrowed.“Don’t tell me you are foolish enough to get knockedup.”
“No. At least,I don't know.”
Carefully putting hisspoon down, he stared at her with an intensity that made heruncomfortable. “Please tell me you had the presence of mind tohave practiced safe sex.”