Page 28 of Landen


“Yes. Whatcould be more important than us spending time together?”

Picking up her coffeecup, she pretended to consider. “Let’s see, there islaundry, housework, oh and my hair is a mess-”

“You can dothose things any time.” He dismissed arrogantly.

“So speaks theman who has never lifted a finger to tidy up after himself.”

His eyes twinkled.“Why don’t you have a maid? And don’t tell me youcannot afford one.”

“I cannotafford one.”

His eyebrows liftedat that.

“Okay, fine. Ican afford a helper, and I prefer to call them that since we nolonger live in the eighteenth century. But I don’t like peoplein my space and feel uncomfortable having people pick up after me.”

“Why not?”He asked carelessly. “It frees you up for more importantthings.”

“You think thatwhat a helper does is not important


“I did not saythat, specifically.”

“What are yousaying, specifically?”

“How does asimple question turn into an interrogation and make me into the badguy?”

“It lets meknow your mindset, and I am beginning to see that you are a snob.”

“Don’tcall me that.” The smile had faded from his mouth, and hisexpression had become wintry.

“I see that’sa sore point for you.” She contemplated, sipping the coffee andeyeing him over the rim. “Let me guess, this has to do withyour parents.”

“I don’twant to talk about them.” Finishing the coffee, he rose. “Willyou stay?”

“Do you want meto?”

“Would I beasking if I didn’t?”

“You areupset.”

He shook his head andturned away; he went to look out the window. “I apologize. It’snot you; it’s just family stuff.” Turning around, heoffered her a smile, his mood changing. “I would like you tostay, Tessa.”

She was about topursue the topic but decided against it. She had heard the tail endof the conversation and realized he had been talking to his dad.“What shall we do?”

“How aboutgoing back to bed?”


“Dead serious.”Moving forward, he pushed the box away and took her hands.

“I am notfinished.”

“You were notvery hungry as it is.”

“How do youknow that?” She protested as he pulled her up against him.