Page 51 of Landen

He had tried tobolster her spirit by teasing her about her making mistakes at thegallery due to her lack of sleep. “If any of those rich guysare always hanging around pretending to purchase artwork when theywant a chance to get your number.”

“It sounds asif you are talking from experience.”

“I am, and Igot so bloody lucky.”

Now he was here, andsuddenly, it did not feel like home without her. A car met him at thehangar, and he requested that the driver take him straight to thehospital.

He had called hismother and sister and knew they were both at the hospital. And thathis father was now in a coma. He had not mentioned that informationto Tessa because he did not want to put anything else on her. But theinformation was pressing down on him and suffocating him. He knewwhat it meant.

He was the man of thefamily, and if anything happened to… Shaking away thedepressing thought, he climbed out as soon as the vehicle stopped atthe front of the hospital. He was escorted to the private room by thedoctors assigned to his father’s case.

“You arefinally here.” His mother, Lady Margaret Chapman, rose primlyfrom the plush visitor’s chair beside the bed.

“Mother.”He considered moving toward her for a hug but knew she would notappreciate it. Instead, he went over to his sister and took herhands. Squeezing them gently, he turned to his mother again. “Thedoctors gave me an update.”

“They have noidea when and if he will come out of it.” Her green eyeswandered over his unshaven face with a look of disapproval. “Youcould have cleaned up before coming.”

“I was underthe impression that my presence was needed.”

“It is.”She turned to look at her husband. “He was worried aboutyou.”

Landen’seyebrows lifted skeptically as he stared at the man lying still inthe bed.


“You have beenbehaving strangely. Taking off, going to that country, and refusingto take up your duty as the company's CEO.”

“What are yousaying, Mother?” He asked sardonically. “That I am thereason for him being in this bed?”

“Of course, sheis not saying that, darling!” Elizabeth jumped to her feet,anxious to avoid a confrontation.

“This is not adiscussion we need to have right here,” she said stiffly.

“Indeed. I needto go to my place and get some sleep.”

“I will walkout with you. Is that all right, Mother?” Elizabeth looked ather anxiously.

“Go ahead.”She waved them away before taking her place and sitting ramrodstraight next to her husband.

“You looktired,” Elizabeth commented as they made their way out into theparking lot.

“Why, thankyou. Can we drop you somewhere?”

“I drovemyself.” She touched a hand lightly on his arm, delaying him.“Are you staying?”

“Is this not myhome?”

“You spokeabout someone you met.” She saw the pain slashed across hisface as he looked away from her.



He shook his headand forced a smile. “It’s not a topic I want to discuss.”Lifting her hand, he kissed the back of it. “I will see youtomorrow.”

He went towards thevehicle and slid into the back seat.

“Where to,sir?”