Page 6 of Mermaid For You

Margie Cash will not stop scrutinizing me. To be safe, I’ve bleached my sandy-blond hair, shaved, and lain in the tanning bed to give me some more color. Maybe I should’ve added some Clark Kent glasses.

“You look familiar.”

I shrug and maintain my poker face. “I must just have one of those faces. I’ve never been here before so not sure where we would’ve met.”

The thing is, Margie has been here since we were coming as kids. Granted, she hasn’t seen me in years, but she’s probably recognizing some of my grandfather’s features in me. I was blessed to have inherited his genes rather than his son’s. Not that my old man’s hideous or anything. He’s just… eh.

Her red lips perch together before they slowly spread into a devious smirk. “Must have.” She says it like she isn’t buying any of this. “You know what? You’re new, but something tells me you’ll be a quick learner. Our photographer is sick. I need you to double as the skipper on the Mermazing Adventures boat tours and the photographer. Ava is the featured mermaid for this afternoon, so no worries, she’ll be able to walk you through everything.”

I swallow my groan and force a grin. Of all the positions. Now I have to sit in the hot sun taking photo after photo of squirming kids and half-naked women wearing far too much makeup. I pray I don’t get one of the overactors who are wildly animated with a high-pitched, ear-piercing voice.

Margie is still eyeing me as she taps away on her phone. Impressive she can text without even looking at her phone. Feeling uncomfortable, I decide to examine her office. It’s pale gray, with plenty of room. A private bathroom. A white leather couch and chair off to the side. Bookcases along one wall filled with white binders, novels, and framed photos, along with a collection of seashells. One wall is lined with wide windows showcasing the ocean. Her desk is chic and contemporary, all white and glass. Margie has come a long way in the Hayes Corporation. I remember when she worked the front desk. She’s beautiful now, but she was stunning then.

“I’m very much looking forward to the cupcakes. I remember those are always amazing.”

They really are. They have mermaid decorated ones, palm trees, magnolia, and beach themes. They’re served after every meal and are incredible.

A knowing smirk spreads across her face. “Are you sure, Van, that you’ve never been to our lovely resort?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I misspoke. What I meant, ma’am, was that I visited here as a kid, but I’ve never worked for this branch.”

“This branch? That sounds so formal. This location, you mean?”

Deciding not to say any more, I nod. Why did I even bring up the cupcakes? I need to get a grip.

Margie chuckles as she gives a slight headshake. “I think you’ll enjoy helping out with taking photos for our guests and social media.”

“Social media?”

“Yes. I’ll need you to get a few photos for our promotions and socials. Nothing major. Just snap a few candid pics and send them to the marketing department. The crew over in Mermazing Adventures are fun and easy to work with.”

“I bet.”

Her eyebrows rise. “Did you ever have a mermazing experience? I hope I didn’t spoil the fact that they’re actors and athletes.”


“Yes. You have to be in top physical shape to swim with a constricting tail, remain under water for long periods of time, and perform water acrobatics.”

“Of course.”

“I can see you’re skeptical. I guess I would’ve been as well if I hadn’t been a mermaid myself for years.”

Margie was a mermaid? A surprise chuckle escapes me. “When? Here?”

“Yes.” She beams with pride. The sun shining through the window reflects off her diamond earrings and the tennis bracelet on her wrist. Her blue eyes sparkle as she looks out the window with happiness. “My best years here were as a mermaid. Takes lots of work and endurance. Which is also why we’re going to start you out in photography and as a skipper. You’ll need to go through more training, especially lifeguard training, before you can become a sailor, pirate, or captain.”

The door to her office opens, and a sweet yet sultry voice calls out Margie’s name. I turn in my seat to greet the newcomer, only to realize I’m totally going to win this bet. There’s the woman who’s going to fall in love with me.

A short and curvy little thing in a hot pink retro two-piece, wearing an unbuttoned oversized white shirt, stands barefoot in the doorway. Her hair is a wintery mix of white and shiny silver, cut to shape her adorable round face. She reminds me of Marilyn Monroe with her platinum-blonde hair and seductive bright red lips. Her thick eyebrows and eyelashes are a dark blonde, almost brown, showcasing her Caribbean-colored eyes.

Please tell me this is Ava.

“Van, this is Ava.”


Ava gives me a little wave and smiles. “Oh, you must be the new guy! Great, because all of us playing rock, paper, scissors to see who’s on camera duty has been tiring.” She scrunches her nose as she giggles. She’s too cute. This bet is going to be a breeze.