Page 4 of Mermaid For You

Teddy gives a one-shoulder shrug. “If you win, sure.”

“How are we going to decide which of us gets paid?” Ben motions his finger between him and Teddy. The two think about it for a moment, and then he continues. “Van breaks before a week, you win, Teddy. He breaks before the deal is up, I win.” Then he points to me and says, “You show up at the fishing event with a woman who is in a relationship with you, clueless as to who you are, and still working and living like a regular joe, we pay up.”

Teddy drums his fingers on the table. “I don’t like my odds. With fifty grand on the table, he could tough it out a week.”

Ben chuckles. “He can’t use his real name, no benefits from his family, and he has to get a woman without his money.”

Like it’s impossible for me to actually do this? What a couple of dicks.

“Hmm, he might sink,” Teddy mutters to himself.

I hold up my palms. “Date. Not make her fall in love or plan a wedding.”

“Yeah. It can be casual, but she has to be a looker,” Ben clarifies.“Not someone who is desperate.”

“You are both so shallow. This conversation is shameful. But you know what, serves you two right. Choke before a week, Teddy wins.” When Teddy opens his mouth, I hold up a hand. “You’re the one who was talking shit and said I wouldn’t last a week.”

Teddy nods and laughs.

“Before June eighteenth,” I continue, “Ben wins. And if I make it to midnight, I win.”

Teddy smirks. “That’s right, Cinderella.”

I don’t understand their obsession with trying to prove I’m nobody without my family’s heritage. Some friends. I’ve always known they were the furthest thing from such, but they don’t have to rub it in my face. Time to have some fun while proving them wrong.


“Where are you going to work?” Teddy’s smile stretches from ear to ear.

“The Magnolia Point branch. That’s the place I have to show up for the end of the bet. It’s a smaller area. Nobody knows who I am. I can apply as a regular joe and be under the radar.”

Ben vehemently shakes his head. “That’s family connection.”

“No,” I calmly try to explain. “If I can’t use my real name, how am I going to apply for employment anywhere? Nobody there will know, but I can sneak my fake information into the system. Don’t worry. I’ll be at the bottom, and nobody will recognize me. I can even work for one of the sub businesses on the estate. Coffee shop. Sail boat rides. Mermaid actors.”

Teddy snorts. “Yes. Be a mermaid, Sullivan. That would be hilarious.”

“I just might.” I take my napkin from my lap and toss it onto the table. “Well, I think it’s time for me to retire, gentlemen.”

“Bet begins Monday, Vanny boy. That should give you time to get to—where is it again?” Ben’s eyes dance with laughter.

“Magnolia Point. It’s over in South Carolina.”

“Hold on.” Teddy lifts a finger to get our server’s attention. He hurries over. “A round of shots, please. Top shelf.”

When the shots arrive, we all three lift them into the air.

“Here’s to Sullivan Hayes going fishing!” Teddy cheers.

“Go fish.” Ben smirks as he clanks his glass to ours.

“To fishing.” I guess. As much as my moral compass hates this, I might as well enjoy proving them wrong.

Chapter Three


The only available job that I’m able to slide into is with the Mermazing Adventure. I was really hoping to work in the restaurant, the bar, in lawn care… but nope, I get boats and grown women pretending to be half fish. This is going to be a nightmare. My skin is crawling thinking about it.