I ease by him and begin walking toward the kitchen to retrieve my phone. He points his finger at him and snarls, “Are you out of your damn mind? She’s off-limits.”

I immediately stop walking and turn around. “Excuse me?” I call out to Noah. “Who are you to say-”

Noah holds a hand up. “No, I know what happened. Alice told me about him blackmailing you.” My phone begins ringing again. “Go ahead and answer that while I talk to my friend.”

I’m not really that surprised that Alice told Noah. She hates to lie. My heart stops as I fear Rachel might tell Trent. I rush and grab my phone. I swipe the screen and am immediately relieved to see all missed calls are from either Alice or Wyatt. I hurry to call Rachel. She answers on the second ring.

“I can’t talk long but please don’t tell Trent about the whole Keaton thing. Promise me.”

“I promise. What’s going on?”

“Call Alice,” I grumble and hang up.

I walk back to my room and find the guys nose to nose. Their words come out more as growls than two grown men speaking to each other.

“Are you seriously trying to screw Denise? Denise? She’s not that kind of girl. I didn’t think you were that kind of guy either. She’s Alice’s baby sister. I thought you and Trent were like brothers now. How could you do this to him?”

“It’s not like that.”

“So you’re not trying to con her into bed with you? That sure as hell is what it looks like.”

“Noah leave,” I tell him firmly. “This is my house.”

Keaton stands a little straighter and whispers to Noah, “It’s not like that man. I wouldn’t hurt her.”

Noah walks out, without sparing either of us another glance. I sigh and rush over to Keaton. “I’m sorry. He’s just being…”

“Protective. And he should. Noah’s a good guy.” He sighs. “I think I need to head out.”

“Keaton don’t-”

“He’s right. I was in the wrong for trying to blackmail you into a relationship with me. I never thought I stood a chance. Shit, you never even noticed a guy like me. There you were and the opportunity presented itself. It wasn’t really about the revenge. That was just the cherry on top. I was hoping after a month together you’d get to know me and, crazy as it sounds, might like me. He’s right though. I was wrong and I’m sorry. I don’t regret showing you what a real douche Wyatt is, but I do regret how I went about everything…putting you in this position…this mess. But I’m serious about helping you. You may not be mine for a month, but we’re going to find you the help you need.”

He gives me a longing look and then walks past me and out the door, before I can even get a word out.

As I’m driving back to campus, I keep thinking that I’ll hear from Keaton. I park in front of my apartment, and my phone rings. Trent.

“I’m so sorry. You tried to tell me. I am the biggest fuck up as a brother. I’ve failed everyone else, it was only a matter of time until I let you down, too.”

“Stop. What are you talking about?”

“How bad do you want me to hurt him? I’ll kill him. I can’t believe he tried to blackmail you like that.”

“Oh him.”

“Yeah him! I punched him but then the kids came running into the room, so I had to rein it in.”

“Leave him alone. Please?”

“No way can I let this go.”

“Just go back to being friends and pretend—”

“Are you out of your mind? Have you gone crazy? The guy tried to sleep with my baby sister! He—he handcuffed you! No. No. I’m not going to go back to—I can’t, Denise. I’m so pissed.”

“Will you at least leave him alone? Okay? For me.”

“I’m not going to be friends with the guy.”

“That’s fine. Just leave him alone.”

Keaton seems to have left me alone. Now I don’t know if I can leave him alone…