Alice asks, “What are you being blackmailed for?”

“Promise not to tell?” They both nod their heads with a little too much enthusiasm.


“Keaton Sloan knows that I keyed Isabelle Jamerson’s car. He is blackmailing for that… and—” I’m mixed up in drugs. Why can’t I say it out loud? I try again. I open my mouth, but the words are lodged in my throat. I clear my throat and declare, “Isabelle was telling the truth. I did key her car.”

I should also confess that I’m the one that put her in the hospital—but I’m admitting to part of the crime. Baby steps. Maybe next week I’ll confess everything. I’d rather admit to beating up a girl that I’ve known all my life, than tell them about my drug addiction. There’s a moment of silence. They slowly turn to look at each other and then back to me. They follow that process one more time.

Alice whispers, “You keyed her car? Isabelle’s?”

My eyes burn and my body won’t stop fidgeting. I begin to scratch the side of my thumb as I try to figure out how much to tell them? What can I say without confessing to all of it?

Rachel clears her throat. “Keaton Sloan? Noah’s friend, Keaton? As in Keat?”

I stare at her, and with probably too much attitude, I start spewing all the facts that I know about him. “Big guy, handsome, three years older than me, wannabe vigilante, lives on Holly Ave, drives a sweet red Mustang Boss 429 when not working for Dad, and just ended a relationship with a royal bitch named Charlee…I don’t know her last name. But they broke up for the same reason Wyatt and I just ended our relationship/friendship.”

Rachel raises her eyebrows and smirks at me. “Handsome?”

Alice’s eyes go wide with surprise. “You and Wyatt were serious? I feel like there’s so many surprises from you today, Denise.”

“Not serious yet—but, we might’ve gotten there. We’ll never know what might’ve been, and I’m sure I’m better off. Keaton conned me into going out with him last night.” They gasp, and I hold a hand up. “While on said date, we were approached by this Charlee character. She demanded her belongings back from Keaton. For whatever reason, I couldn’t deal with her, so I offered to return them personally.” Another set of gasps. “Well, guess who I found at her apartment half-naked?”

“Who?” asks Alice.

“Don’t say…” Rachel lets it hang, because she’s already caught on.

I feel the tears building. I try to speak, but I can’t. They both wrap me in their arms. “Oh no. I’m so sorry, Honey,” Alice whispers.

Rachel asks, “Keaton knew about Charlee and Wyatt? Really? That’s odd.”

I nod. “I don’t think Charlee meant for Keaton to find him there. She asked him to come by, but I pushed for us to go straight over. I don’t know if she knew that Wyatt was with me or not. I don’t know what he told her. I don’t even know how Keaton knew about me and Wyatt.”

Rachel gives me a look as though this is obvious. I’m getting really tired of that look. “I’m sure when he discovered Charlee was cheating on him, he worked to find out with what guy and then learned all about him. Keaton’s best friends with Noah, who’s dating your sister, and he has gotten a lot closer to Trent. Keat and Charlee came to every get-together the past two years. The bigger question is how didn’t you know more about him?”

Alice smirks. “I thought for sure you’d developed a little crush on Keaton back in junior high. You were smitten with him for a little while.”

Rachel smirks. “Oh, she definitely was. Every time he came around.”

I groan. “Okay, I thought he was cute. He’s changed and that was what five, six years ago? We’ve all grown up a little since then. I forgot all about him after y’all graduated and moved on.” I sniffle. “The bigger question is how did I not know Wyatt was such a dirtbag? What’s this Charlee chick’s deal? She looked old. And needs better skin moisturizer.” That’s a lie. She looked amazing.

Rachel answers again. “She’s a mutual friend of ours. We all hung out in high school and graduated together. After we ended up back here, we reconnected and picked up where we left off. She and Keaton have been off and on for years after him and Emily broke up.”

Alice nods. “They would breakup for a little bit but then get back together. It became more frequent this past year. She wanted him to give college a try again or go to the Police Academy, but he stayed around here working for Dad.”

“So she’s old?” Rachel grits her teeth and narrows her eyes. I ignore her and shake my head. “I can’t believe he had been so sweet saying he wanted a serious relationship. I feel like he cheated on me, even though we weren’t together. I’m so stupid for not seeing it was all an act.”

Alice gives me a sympathetic smile. “You’ve been in your own head and so focused on school is all. You’re not stupid. He is.”

“Hey, isn’t next weekend your birthday?” Rachel asks in a perky voice, trying to change the topic, and then mumbles, “Speaking of getting old.”

Alice grins wide. “Yeah, you’re going to be twenty-one next weekend! Let’s forget about Charlee and Wyatt. You’re better off knowing about Wyatt now rather than later.”

Rachel encourages, “Yeah, consider this an early birthday gift.”

Alice crosses her arms. “Let’s rewind to you keyed Isabelle Jamerson’s car.”

We sit down at the table, and Rachel pours me a cup of coffee.