I keep my eyes on him as I take another sip of my drink. I know that look. Doctor Hottie is in to me. Feeling bold, I ease my tongue out and slowly lick my full top lip. “What are you going to do, Doctor? Do you have a tranquilizer in your pocket?”

He lets out a humorless chuckle. “I can do better than that.” I feel his warm breath against my ear as he whispers, “I’m the reason her daughter was able to get into that elite facility. The Jamersons know people here, but I know people everywhere.”

Without turning to look at him, I ask, “Why did you ask me not to press charges?”

I feel his body heat as he sidles closer to me. He raises up from his seat, and I feel the heat radiating from him and the scent of his expensive cologne. “To protect you. I’m still new here. I don’t want to get too involved in political matters so soon. But I will.” He goes back to his seat and takes a drink. “I’ve been here long enough to know that Kamila and Patrick would rake you and your family over the coals. It would’ve started a war.”

“We’ve been battling since Landon died.”

“I heard about that. I’m sorry. But, there was no definite proof that Isabelle hit you intentionally. Plus, you had drugs on you, Denise. I didn’t want that to come out. I knew Isabelle had some on her as well. It would’ve gotten ugly—for both of you. But now, you don’t have to worry. She got what she deserved.”

I scoff. “Yeah, she’s at some exclusive rehab that’s more like a fancy resort, while I’m stuck here feeling the wrath of everyone in this town.”

His low chuckle has me frowning as I turn to look at him. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh, but you have such a bright future ahead of you. Pretty soon, you won’t give a damn what anyone here or anywhere else thinks.”

“Think so? God, I wish I could get to that point.” I lift my drink back up to my lips, but then cut my eyes when I feel his watching me. “What?”

“You’re too beautiful of a woman to let other’s ugliness damper your shine.”

We take a moment to pause and to study each other. The longer I look at him, the more I begin to feel myself falling into those deep brown intelligent eyes. His voice comes out hoarse, “Do you like your drink?”

Barely above a whisper, I answer as I continue to fall deeper into his eyes. “Yes.”

“I picked it because it reminded me of your eyes. I still remember when you opened them while lying on the hospital bed. The blue took my fucking breath away.”

His face is closer to mine. When did we get so close? I’m twenty years old, and he is… Well, he’s definitely older. But there’s something so entrancing about him. He’s sophisticated, charming, and extremely handsome. Am I really going to allow this? I love the way he’s looking at me, like I’m the only woman in the room.

I reach for my drink and almost stumble off the stool because I’m the one who moved. Strong hands support me, but they’re not the skilled hands of the sophisticated doctor. Their strong, but also rough.

“I think you’ve had enough, Princess,” Keaton growls.

“I’m not drunk. I’m just clumsy!”

“You clumsy? Ha. You’re probably the most graceful person I know. You walk like the entire world is your fucking runway.”

“Honey?” We all turn our heads as a stunning, tall, delicate woman enters the room. This woman is all elegance and grace. I suddenly feel inferior in her presence. Her slender neck is stretched as she raises her chin when her caramel-colored eyes land on Roland. “There you are.”

Her voice is rich and her pronunciation makes it clear this is someone who was taught proper English.

“Amira, darling.” That’s when I notice it, his ring. He’s fucking married. I should’ve known. Keaton steps aside, so I can stand. He places his arm around me and I welcome it so it doesn’t look like I was about to make a pass at her husband, even though I so was.

“Hello.” She gives me a dazzling, full smile.

I extend my hand and introduce myself. “Hello. I’m Denise Randall.”

“Randall,” she smiles wider. “You must be Melissa’s Denise. My name is Amira Hall. I’ve heard so much about you. Your mother has been absolutely marvelous to me since we’ve moved here.”

“She loves making friends, so I’m not surprised. I’m very glad to hear it though.”

“Oh, she’s a delightful lady. Did you help with the shower?” I nod, and she continues, “It’s simply wonderful.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re still in school, yes?”

“Yes. I’m studying business management.”

“Wonderful. If you need any help Roland and I know a few people. When you say, business, it’s a very broad area. Have you thought about what you’re focus will be?”