They share a good chuckle while I pout, finding no humor in any of this. Trent turns to Keaton and asks if he’s planning to swing by Noah’s house tonight.

“Depends on if this girl calls me back. But I will make it next Saturday night.”

I stammer. “What’s next Saturday night?” That’s my birthday.

Keaton gives me a wicked grin. I ball my hands into fists. I’m tired of Keaton giving me those knowing smirks. Trent answers for him. “Noah can’t have a bridal shower so we’re using it as our excuse to party.”

“If y’all are such good buddies, why don’t I know you better?”

Trent frowns at me. “Don’t be rude, Denise.”

Keaton shrugs. “Good question. Maybe you should make an effort to get to know me better.”

Trent must sense the tension. “Easy guys. Denise, it’s not that big of a deal. Y’all weren’t in school at the same time, and you didn’t go out with us since we were older. Now that we’ve all moved back home, you’ve been so busy with college. Keat here is best friends with Noah. After I moved back home, we started hanging out again.”

I know exactly how old Keaton is; he’s the same age as Alice—twenty-four. My fourteen-year-old heart drooled over him and was so jealous that there wasn’t a chance for me. Keaton leans toward me and whispers, “I’m twenty-three. I can see the wheels in your head turning.” My mistake, he’s twenty-freaking-three.

I ignore him and stare straight ahead at Trent. “Are you going to help me?” I hate how weak my voice sounds.

Trent snickers and raises his eyebrows to Keaton. The two BFFs smile at each other while Keaton pulls the keys from his pocket. His thumb lightly caresses my skin as he holds my arm in one hand. The other hand takes its sweet time unlocking the handcuffs. Once I’m free, I inspect my wrist. Then ever so slowly, I turn around to face him. He stands there looking smug. Quickly, I rear my hand back and slap him. “You asshole!”

Trent wraps his arms around me, pinning my arms to my side. He keeps telling me to calm down in between apologizing to Keaton. He’s apologizingto him!

Keaton laughs and the jerk has the nerve to wink at me. “I’ll be seeing you around. I need to get back to work.” The only reason I smile is from the satisfaction of the ugly red handprint on his chiseled face.

“Yeah, I need to get going, too. Hey, if you don’t get that call, let me know, and we can ride to Noah’s together.”

I hate that I notice what a firm backside Keaton has as he walks away. Trent places a hand on my shoulder when Keaton is out of hearing range. “What was all that about?”

I jerk my shoulder out from under his hand. “You tell me! You’re my brother and should’ve been on my side.”

“You were out of line slapping him.” Then he grumbles, “Especially with Isabelle bringing all that heat on you when she accused you of assaulting her. You need to be careful right now, Denise. I don’t want anyone toying with the idea that it could possibly be you.”

I swallow. Of course not. Shaking my head, I try to bring the focus back on Keaton and my anger towards him. “I was—I was out of line? He put freakin’ handcuffs on me, Trent. Handcuffs. I’d say that’s a little out of line.”

“Oh c’mon. Sloan knows you. Him putting handcuffs on you was just teasing.”

I scoff. “Yes, I’m sure that’s all it was. Talk about a freakin’ manipulator. Did you ever think your bestie is an asshole?”

Trent scoffs this time. “Keaton Sloan? Nah. Denise, he was having a little fun and thought you remembered him.”

“Sleaze bag,” I retort.

“I’m sure he’s not perfect, but nobody is.” He smiles and speaks in good humor. “Well, except you. C’mon, you wanna go get something to eat?”

Internally I flinch at him referring to me as perfect. I wish. If only he knew how horrible I really am. My chest is hurting and I feel sick. I’ve stood here and lied straight to the face of one of the people I love most. I could’ve confessed just now that I did it. I assaulted Isabelle and Keaton is blackmailing me because I’m addicted to drugs. I could trust my brother enough to confess that I’m not perfect, that I’m anything but. Would he still love me? Would he still think of me as his baby sister? I bet I wouldn’t be the family’s little princess then. Everyone I went to school with would think worse of me as they do already. I’d shame the family even more. I’d be the worst of the Randall family and scandals. One day, I’ll make them proud. It’s just not today. I need to get away from Trent before I crack. I offer a lame excuse about needing to go help set up for the bridal shower.

My heart drops when I see Isabelle’s mother, Kamila Jamerson, walk in. I rush over to Mom. “What is she doing here?”

Mom smiles as a few ladies pass by. “They were already invited to the first one. According to you,her daughter hitting you with a car was an accident. You’re the one who didn’t want to press charges, so was I supposed to uninvite her?”

“But her daughter at the fair—”

“Is now in a scandal. Bless her heart. That poor girl. Who would do such a thing? I couldn’t believe she was involved in drugs. But she’s at a very expensive resort getting the best possible treatment.”

“Rehab. She’s in rehab, Mom.”

“Was I supposed to put Kamila through more? I couldn’t uninvite her; I feel sorry for the poor lady. She’s lost her son, now her daughter has been sent away, and everyone knows that Patrick is having an affair with his secretary at the bank.”