I feel wetness against my thumb. I look down and see that I’ve scratched my skin raw. Quickly, I tell Mom bye and go to the bathroom to clean and doctor my hand.
The drugs turning up was not good for Isabelle. Her secret was out. I guess Keaton was right about that being a common case. I just hope no one discovers how common it is. Her parents are going to be humiliated.
I sit back down at my desk, prepared to do homework, when my phone dings. Samantha texted telling me that Isabelle kept pleading with everyone she was telling the truth about me.
SAM: Everyone knows how much she hates u! Plus—hitting u w/ a car? HELLO!
ME: So what has come of all this?
SAM: So they didn’t believe her! Rumor is she’s getting sent to rehab!
This whole thing is making me sick to my stomach. I text Sam back that I’m starting my school work and will chat later. I look at my blog, the blinking cursor mocking me. I backspace until it’s only a blank screen staring back. I’m not confessing anything to anyone. Typing it out had been therapeutic enough.
Hello all you beautiful people!
Ripped jeans are my favorite. It’s starting to get chilly so pair them with fun tights or lace pantyhose. Have fun with it! Dark ripped denim with red tights—fierce. Check out this outfit I’m wearing tonight. Light washed ripped designer jeans with black lace nylons. This is fun and flirty. I’m pairing this with a black belt, oversized white tee (tucked in the front only) and leather jacket.
Show me your favorite ripped jeans outfit!
The Fashion Princess Blog
The good news in all this is that I don’t have to worry about Keaton Sloan. Nobody believes Isabelle. I’ll either try to stay here, or do what I did last year for the holidays. I drove down for Thanksgiving and left that night. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I spent the night but then left immediately after. My family still says I stayed gone for a year since it was so short. Whatever. Keaton won’t know I’m home. Maybe I can convince my family to go skiing for Christmas this year?
There’s also Alice’s bridal shower to figure out. I have no choice there. I’ll for sure have to go back home in October. Shit.