“Stuuuupid.” My voice goes high and low, drawing out the u as I look up into the night sky. I bump into a body and stumble. I turn around to find Keaton Sloan.
“Is that your handiwork?”
I groan and roll my eyes. Before I can wipe off my key, he snatches it from my hand. He holds it up to a streetlight and eyes it. “Not only did I see you, but this is some pretty damning evidence. Looks like black metallic paint on your key. Funny, that’s the color of the vandalized vehicle that belongs to Isabelle Jamerson.”
“Then why did you ask if you know-”
“Are you high?”
“What? No!”
“Denise. Are you taking drugs?”
I shake my head at him and scoff. “No.” Do prescription drugs count? Nah, he’s probably talking about like meth. So, nope, not doing that.
“Word around town right now is that Isabelle was found in possession of some heavy pain killers and something else that I can’t even pronounce the name of, but are uppers. You involved in that as well? Answer honestly.”
“Keaton,” I place a hand on my hip and smirk. “I’m a straight A student with a long list of volunteer work and social groups. I don’t have time for that.”
“Maybe you use something to stay awake and maintain enough energy for all your accomplishments. It’s a common case. Spoiled rich kids using to stay awake and maintain energy.”
“I don’t appreciate your insinuation. My only involvement with her is wanting her out of my life.”
“Sounds like someone else wanted her out of their life. Or wanted to teach her a lesson.”
“What do you mean?”
“You mean you haven’t heard? Isabelle was beaten and left unconscious just over there.” He points over to the flashing lights. “She’s going to be alright. They think it’s a drug deal gone wrong, considering all the pills and the wad of cash they found on her.”
I fidget from foot to foot. I pray he doesn’t ask me any more questions. His brown eyes are analyzing me and it’s pissing me off. I was feeling good and once again, someone had to come and ruin it.
“Want to explain yourself?”
What does he mean? Does he suspect me of the assault?
“I don’t owe you any kind of explanation. But,” I indicate the car with my hand, “this was my revenge. It’s done. If she’ll leave me alone, then I’ll leave her alone. If you’re going to run to the cops over there to get me arrested for keying her car, then do it. Let’s not waste each other’s time. I’d really like to go to bed. Or jail, I guess.” I hold my hands up as if preparing to be handcuffed. “Maybe they’ll just give me a fine.”
He chuckles. “A fine? You vandalized her car. But I think they’d be more interested in if you have any pills on you. Not to mention you’re associated with a person caught carrying prescription drugs—that are also not registered to her.”
“Arrest me then. I didn’t think this night could get any shittier but here we are with a citizen’s arrest.”
“I’m not going to arrest you.” He takes a step toward me. “I’d like to make you an offer.”
I start to drop my hands, but Keaton grabs my wrists. He keeps them up as he takes another step into my space. “I won’t tell about you vandalizing her car or that you’re mixed up in drugs—”
“I’m not—”
“Don’t interrupt me. And especially don’t lie to me.” His eyes bore into mine. I want to look away, but I can’t. He holds my wrists in a firm grip as his eyes hold my stare. Finally, I give in and nod. He continues, “I’ll keep your dirty little secrets, if you’ll be mine for a month.”
“Yeah,” he nods, “Mine.” I want to laugh but his face lacks all humor. “Nothing sleazy. Just be my date a few nights. Have lunch and dinner on occasion. Think of it like a pretend relationship but with a real commitment.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Let me finish. Most importantly, as long as you’re mine, you give up the drugs. That’s a hard limit for me.”
“That won’t be a problem since—”