Amira narrows her eyes. “Come with me.” She leads me back up the staircase. When we get to the top landing, she asks, “Can I see your room?”

“Um, sure.” I lead her to my bedroom.

She shuts the door behind us and then goes into my private bathroom. The balcony door is open, so I can hear the party outside in the backyard. It’s winter, but my parents have little heaters and tiki torches lit. The pool is even heated, but nobody is swimming. It’s mostly for effect, with the steam rising from the water.

“Where are you hiding them?”

I turn to face Amira, completely clueless. “Hiding what?”

“I know you’re on drugs. I can tell by your body language. At the bridal shower, I had suspected as much. Melissa is my friend. She’s been there for me since day one. Now, I’m going to be there for you.”

“Amira—I’m not…” The look on her face causes me to pause. She crosses her arms and gives me a hard-pointed look.

“I’m a doctor. Don’t insult me by telling me I don’t know what a user looks like. You’ve been using.”

Oh God. My parents are going to know now. I want to cry. Amira comes up and hugs me. “It’s okay. It’s okay. We’re going to get you help. First, we need to get rid of the ones you do have.”

I nod. I go to my drawer and take out the little bag that Roland had snuck me earlier. Since I got ready at the main house, instead of in the guest house, I stashed the pills in here. I hand her the bag and the look on Amira’s face turns my blood cold.

“Where are you getting your drugs?” Her voice is eerily quiet.

“Where? A friend.”

“It’s Roland, isn’t it?”

“Doctor Hall only gave me medicine when I got hurt.”

“Ahh. That’s how he found you. I see. Well, at least it wasn’t through my friendship with Melissa. I’d feel horrible if my friendship with your family is what did this to you. As a doctor, and friend of your family, I feel responsible.”

“No, no. I don’t know what you mean.”

Amira gives me a sad smile. “Please. I asked you not to insult my intelligence.”

My bottom lip trembles. “I didn’t know he was married—at first. He was so nice to me. I—I’m sorry. Then I tried to stay away.”

Amira squeezes the bag in her hand. “I know. I believe you. Roland isn’t a man who takes rejection well. He’s not who you think he is, Dear. I’m taking these. We’re going to get you help. But—you need to help yourself, first. Stop whatever it is he has you involved in.”

She walks out of my room, and I turn my back to the door. I step on to the balcony and look down at the party below. Everyone is laughing as soft Christmas music plays in the background. I gasp as a force sends me against the metal of my balcony and then I feel the cool night air. Pure fear shoots through me as I’m thrown airborne. My arms reach out in search of something to grab, but it’s useless.

The water slaps me in the face as I crash into the pool and feel my body sinking deeper and deeper. The weight of the water presses around me, as I struggle to reach for the top. I didn’t have a chance to catch my breath so my lungs already burn from lack of oxygen. What happened? How did I get here? I’ve finally hit the bottom.