One year later…
Welcome to Lumberton, Missouri. The sign’s greeting mocks me. I’m back. But am I really welcomed? I had a blissful year away in college, but now I’m being dragged back for Alice’s bridal shower. I waited until the last possible minute to even come back to Lumberton, so I don’t have time to go home, but instead, park my BMW in the country club parking lot and cringe. Last time I was in town was for a quick Thanksgiving dinner and then Christmas. The last time I was here at the country club was my graduation party. And like that party, whether Alice knows the guests or not, everyone has been invited to her bridal shower. Trent’s married, now Alice’s engaged, so I can’t wait to hear “your turn,” or “you’re next.” I’m barely twenty years old for crying out loud.
I quickly sift through my oversized purse. Finding a prescription bottle, I pour out two Klonopins and toss them into my mouth. These will ease my nerves and mellow me out. A knock on my window causes me to jump in my seat and drop the bottle on the floorboard. I quickly try to find it and pick up each precious pill. Growling, I close the cap and then remember, someone is standing outside my window. Thank goodness my windows are tinted. I shove the bottle in my purse as the person outside the window knocks again. I open the door and slide out, coming to stand in front of the muscular body of my ultimate crush that I’d die before admitting. I’m still humiliated by the fact he gave me my first orgasm while I dry humped him at one of Daddy’s construction sites.
Keaton Sloan.
“What brings you here? I thought they only hired strippers for the bachelorette party, not the bridal shower?”
He chuckles. “Stripper? Still thinkin’ about my body?” I go to walk past him, but he steps in front of me. He’s about a head taller than my 5’7 and about twice my size. His deep voice sends an involuntary shiver through me as he says, “I’m still thinkin’ ‘bout yours.”
Has he gotten even more gorgeous? His blondish, brown hair is still shaggy, and his dark, golden skin is marred with cuts and scrapes from hard labor. I heard he’s still working for Daddy and clearly that has kept his physique in shape. He’s probably bigger than Trent now, which is saying something. In high school, he was athletic but lean. Not the giant of a man who stands before me. I almost wonder if he went through an experiment like Captain America. Before I can answer, I hear my dad calling my name from the golf course. Ignoring Keaton, I turn and wave. I throw my bag over my shoulder and start to walk toward the golf course. That is until I hear it. The sound of the prescription bottle falling out of my bag and hitting the asphalt and rolling away, only to stop at Keaton’s work boots.
“I’ll get it,” I call out, but he ignores me. Of course. All the blood drains from my face as I rush toward Keaton. Angrily, I snatch the bottle from his hand and shove it in my bag.
“Who’s Crystal Hrissikos?”
“None of your business.”
“Denise?” His eyes search mine. “Are you taking drugs?”
“No. How could you even think that? Maybe I picked them up for her.”
His jaw hardens as he crosses his arms, causing his biceps to bulge. Gah, I hate how sexy I find his arms. I release a frustrated groan. I don’t have time for this. What if my parents show up or someone hears us? “She goes to school with me. I went to the pharmacy for her and forgot to drop them off before I left town. I was in a hurry to get here.” Shit. Stop talking Denise. Keaton is making me flustered, and I’m going to slip up. He’s going to see through me.
“You picked up a half-empty bottle at the pharmacy?” He uncrosses his arms and shoves his hands in his back pockets, as he takes a step closer to me and lowers his voice. “Look. I had a good friend get mixed up with drugs. It never ends well.”
I roll my eyes. “Keaton, this is her anxiety medicine. No worries.”
“I’m not worried about her.” As I turn my back on him and start walking toward my dad, he calls out, “I want to see you before you leave.”
Not happening. What Keaton doesn’t realize is that he already sees too much. Hopefully Keaton will keep his mouth shut about the pills. I have no clue who Crystal is. I just know people, who know people, who I guess know her. Pushing that worry from my mind, I pick up my pace toward my father. He drops his golf club and starts jogging toward me. His warmth envelopes me as he wraps his arms around me and lifts me in the air. “There she is! I’ve missed you, Sweetheart.”
The smell of his aftershave and cologne brings tears to my eyes. “I’ve missed you, too, Daddy.”
“You can’t stay gone so long next time.” He places my feet back on the ground, and seeing his misty eyes makes my heart ache.
“I was busy with rush and sorority stuff. And my classes, of course. It’s not like you didn’t see me for a year. You and Mom came to see me plenty of times.”
“Yeah, but still. The house has been empty without you.” My phone rings, and I see Mom’s name flash across the screen. Daddy sees it as well and chuckles. “You better hurry and get to the shindig.”
I wave bye and take off jogging back toward the country club. Keaton is still standing there with his hands in his pockets watching me. His brown eyes widen in horror.
Everything goes black.
Beep…Beep… Beep… I slowly start to open my eyes, but then quickly squeeze them shut. The room is far too bright, and my head is throbbing. Beep… Beep… Beep…
Ugh. What is that obnoxious noise?
“Denise? Richard, she’s awake!”
No need to yell, I’m right here…Where is here?