Ilook around and see that I’m alone. Did Keaton stay? I’m still in his shirt and boxers. I hear a noise coming from outside the door.
“It’s me, honey! Whipping up some breakfast!” my mom calls out.
Breakfast? Has another day passed? Is it Monday? “Is it just you?”
“Yes, Baby. Daddy’s still next door. Alice and Trent are coming too.”
I check my phone. It’s only ten in the morning. I feel like I’ve slept for hours, but it was only an hour and a half. I take off Keaton’s clothes and throw on some pajamas. I walk out of my bedroom to the smell of bacon. Mom looks me up and down, taking in my red Minnie Mouse pants and over-worn gray ratty shirt. I didn’t even bother putting on a bra or underwear.
“Are you going to get dressed?”
“Nah, I’ll eat first. I’m starving.”
With a smile still in place, she says, “At least put on a bra. Men are coming over.”She moves the bacon from the pan to a plate.
“Men? It’s just Daddy and Trent, isn’t it?” I look down. “And can you even tell?”
She gives me a look like I can’t be that oblivious. I probably shouldn’t be, but I’m kind of excited that my boobs are even big enough that you can tell I’m not wearing a bra. I’ve always thought they were so small. Especially since I’ve lost so much weight this past year.
“Can I eat a little first? When they show up, I’ll run and change.” In a voice that even I know sounds bratty, I whine, “It’s my birthday…weekend.”
She rolls her eyes and flips a pancake. “Did you have a nice time this weekend? I was worried when you didn’t come home. I thought maybe…you were still upset.” Guilt gnaws at my heart, but she continues with a smile in her voice, “Alice said you drank a little too much and were recovering.”
I shrug and nod. “I might’ve overindulged.” I gently tap her shoulder so she’ll look at me. “I was never upset with you or Daddy. It was me. I was upset with myself. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“Well, at least you did it with family around. Don’t do that while away at school, okay? Hopefully you learned a lesson. Since it was your twenty-first birthday, I’m going to try and not freak out—” She pauses when I give her a knowing smirk. “I’m not! But you have to be careful, Honey. Now you know your limit, right?”
“Yes, Mother.” I snicker when she groans. She hates to be called Mother. I grab a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator. I notice she’s set the table. “I could’ve come next door if everyone is coming over here. It would’ve been easier on you, Mom.”
“Nonsense. It’s your birthday weekend, so we’ll come to you.”
“My birthday was yesterday.”
“But the party continues. You already celebrated how most twenty-one-year olds celebrate. Today I’m celebrating how a mother likes to commemorate the day she suffered hours of labor to bring forth the most beautiful, sweetest girl in the world. And don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“It’s my birthday, so I’ll roll them if I want to.”
“Your birthday was yesterday, remember?”
We smile at each other, and I snatch a piece of bacon off the plate. I chew the bacon and wonder how Mom took the news about Alice and Noah. My thoughts are interrupted when Rachel, Trent and their two kids come through the door. They sit down, but it’s short-lived. Rachel tells us that she’ll sit with the kids in the living room, so they can watch cartoons. It’s just as well; it’s an open floor plan and there’s not enough room at the table for everyone. Dad walks in with Alice.
“I invited Noah. Is that okay?” She beams.
“Of course it is! He’s practically family now,” Daddy cheers.
Mom isn’t as thrilled; I can tell by the way she just smiles and nods. That answers one of my questions. I’ll have to chat with her later to find out how she really feels about them moving in together. Not an easy pill to swallow when your daughter is in love with a boy related to the woman who kidnapped her. Mom is trying to move past it, but I can tell she still has some reservations about Noah and his family.
Dad sits down next to Trent. Alice sits down on the other side of Dad. I remain standing next to Mom with my arms crossed to cover my boobs. I watch as she pours some more pancake batter into the skillet. Rachel and the kids are laughing in the living room. It’s nice.
The door opens again and I don’t even bother looking over since I know it’s Noah. However, it’s not Noah’s voice that I hear. It’s his.
“Good morning Randall family.” My eyes about pop out of my head when I look over to find Keaton walking in with Noah.
Noah smiles and says, “Keaton came by this morning to congratulate me again, so I asked him if he wanted to tag along. Hope that’s alright?”