Alice lets out a relieved laugh. “Oh gosh. Is that all? Denise, you scared the crap out of me. It’s going to be okay. I’ll be right over. Gosh. This is nothing to cry over, silly girl.”
Silly girl. That’s me. That’s all I am. A silly girl.
“Thank you, Alice. I appreciate it.”
“What are big sisters for? Besides, it’s nice to return the favor. You used to help me get ready, remember?” I do remember. When Alice first moved home, I would help with her hair and makeup. I barely remember what it was like having that kind of confidence.
I stay under the protective covers until Alice walks through my door. She frowns at me and crosses her arms. “Get up. Don’t be ridiculous. You’re gorgeous even without makeup. C’mon.”
We walk in the bathroom, and Alice gasps when she sees the mirror. Oops. I’d forgotten about that. I barely remember doing it. “Did someone have a little meltdown?”
“Ha. Yeah. A little.”
She pulls out my vanity chair. “Park it, diva. Let me clean this mess up.”
If only she could clean up this mess that is me. I wish I could wipe away all the feelings I have on the inside like she wipes the makeup off my mirror and then my face. All wiped away. A clean slate. Alice takes out her phone and connects it to my Bluetooth speakers in the bathroom. All evidence from my meltdown is replaced with a clean mirror, upbeat music, and a fresh foundation. I begin to relax and smile.
I gasp when I look in the mirror after she’s finished. This isn’t the same Denise Randall looking back at me. This isn’t that fourteen-year-old girl who was trying to be older. This isn’t that awkward teenager who wanted to hide inside herself. This isn’t that uptight college student. This is a young, confident woman. Who happens to be looking rather sultry.
“Well, hello there,” I say to myself as I admire Alice’s handiwork. Alice giggles and tells me again how beautiful I am, and this time I believe her. I feel beautiful right now. It feels good to feel something other than out of control. I feel special. For once, tonight will be about me because I’m going to make it about me. Nobody is going to bring me down. I won’t let them.
“Shall we?” Alice sticks her elbow out, and I graciously accept. I practically skip on our way out of the house. Before we go to the car, I remember that I promised Mom I would let her see me before I go out. We walk to the main house and call out to her, while standing in the doorway.
“My beautiful girls! Look at you two!” She rushes over and hugs us.
I playfully block my face from her kisses. “Hey, Alice worked hard on this.” Dramatically, I wave my hand over my face. “Don’t mess it up.” We laugh, but I still gently push her away. “This took hours of hard work. You can’t smudge it in a matter of seconds.”
“Well, young lady, I expect you to give the same response to anyone else who tries to kiss you.” She quickly places a gentle peck on my cheek. “They’ll be falling all over themselves to get to you.”
We leave the house and go pick up Rachel. Her mom is watching the kids, so she’s excited for a night out. Maybe even more than me. Samantha and my other friends are meeting us at the paint and wine place.
I spend more time wining than painting. Alice, of course, creates a masterpiece while I down two glasses of wine and watch the lady who works there practically paint mine for me. It’s beautiful; she’s doing a really fantastic job. Like Alice, I’m gifted with artistic abilities, but I seem to be struggling tonight. The wine has nothing to do with it. I take another long sip as I try to speculate where the guys are, so we can go there next. I nudge Samantha.
I lean in by her ear. “Ask where the guys went.”
She frowns at me. “Why don’t you?”
“If you’re going to make this awkward then I will, but I don’t see why you don’t just ask. Geesh. Sorry I asked you to do something for me on my birthday.”
Samantha sighs and loudly asks, “So Alice and Rachel…” They stop painting and look over their canvases at her. “I heard the guys are going out tonight too. I bet they didn’t go painting, huh?”
Good work, Sam. Smooth. This is exactly why I didn’t ask; it wouldn’t have been executed so well.
Alice scoffs. “Um, no. They’re on their way to a bar downtown now.”
We finish our paintings a few minutes later. We take a group picture, and as everyone gathers their belongings, I nudge Tiffany. “Suggest we go downtown.”
“Why don’t you? It’s your birthday, so we’ll go wherever you want.”
I pop my lips and shake my head. “No. See, you should suggest that since I’ve never been downtown.” I change my voice to imitate her. “What? Denise you’ve never been downtown? That’s where we should go next.” I nod and nudge her again. “Now you try. But louder.”
In a flat tone, she asks, “Are you already tipsy?”
I ask her in the same tone. “Are you?”
“Oh my gosh you are,” she giggles. “Okay, why don’t you tell me exactly what it is you want? Clearly, you’re trying to follow the guys, but why?”