“Thank you.” Keaton growls. He throws his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. The man smirks and chuckles as he steps back from our cart. We swing forward and I use the opportunity to scoot away.

“Well, this is turning out to be loads of fun,” I grumble.

Keaton props his arm on the back of the cart behind me and spreads his knees wide, smirking at me while chewing on his bottom lip. I sneer and turn my head to look out at the rest of the fairgrounds. Children run and squeal with excitement while parents trudge along behind them, carrying stuffed animals and toys with flashing lights. There’s a mix of couples holding hands and have their heads tilted toward each other as they leisurely stroll along between groups of friends. I wonder what people riding this thought earlier when they saw me walking alone. I search for someone who’s alone, but there’s no one. It seems everyone has someone.

Did someone see me on top of Isabelle?

I search for the building where Isabelle and I fought, and where we were is hidden. A small amount of relief courses through me; they wouldn’t have been able to make out my face, maybe only my hair and outfit color. The cart jerks and ascends higher. Now I have a clear view of the rest of Lumberton. It’s not much.

I sigh and wish for this ride to hurry up already. The metal squeaks as our cart gently sways.


My eyebrows pull together as I turn to meet Keaton’s watchful blue eyes. “Of what? It’s the Ferris wheel—doubtful we’re going to get an adrenaline rush from it.”

“Just making sure you’re not afraid of heights. Then again, I think I knew that already. Weren’t we up high together once before?” He leans toward me and wiggles his eyebrows. I groan, and he laughs. “But for the record, I don’t have a problem with you touching me at all.” He winks and slides back to his side.

“Tell me, Officer, when did you become such a pig?”

“Do you not like cops? Or just using these slurs because of me? Because I’m not actually a cop. You do know that, right?”

“Just you. I respect the men in blue.”

“Ha. Good to hear. In this case, you’ll serve me and I’ll protect you.”

It’s a good thing he is such an ass. I might be tempted to fall for him if he wasn’t. He’s a lot like me, a pretty face but hallow on the inside. Just like the unfinished house where we kissed.

The ride is finally loaded and picks up speed. Around we go. Down and then back up. Despite myself, I slowly begin to enjoy the ride. The music, the bright changing color lights, the soft cool night breeze, and the smell of fried food.

“There it is.”

“There what is?”

“Your smile.” He runs his finger along his bottom lip. “My plan is working. I figured I’d get you to smile.”

“You didn’t. Believe me, that smile has nothing to do with you.”

He leans closer to me. “I got you on here, didn’t I?”

“By force.”




“You’re so full of it.”



“Well, maybe a little.” The wind whips my hair in front of my face. Keaton reaches over and places it behind my ear. “Wanna know a secret?” I cut my eyes to him and wait for him to answer. He slides closer, pressing his strong thigh next to mine. The feather touch of his thumb on my chin has me trying to control my breathing. The ride descends down as his lips descend on mine. As we gently sway and rise up, his warm tongue licks my lips seeking entrance. Maybe it’s the speed of the ride or the crazy events from earlier, or maybe it’s because I’ve always had a crush on him, but I allow him access. I’ve barely opened my lips when his tongue dives in.

It’s unlike any kiss I’ve ever experienced. Maybe it’s heightened due to the motion of our cart, but somehow, I don’t think so. It’s just him. It’s all Keaton Sloan. He takes charge of this kiss, and I revel in it. His arms wrap around me and pull me close to his solid body. Our cart jerks to a stop at the top. But he doesn’t stop. And in this moment, I hope he never does.

When the ride is over, we sway back and forth until the guy with the gold tooth slaps our cart and loudly announces, “It’s over, lovebirds.”