Before he has a chance to answer, I keep going. “I don’t know what the fuck is up with you. One minute, you’re so sweet and nice, and the next, you are cold and distant. One minute, you’re kissing me, and the next, you refuse to come running with me anymore. I just don’t get it! If you don’t want me, fine, but then, why are you going to stop someone else who may want the chance? Are you that juvenile? Or are you just that much of a dick?”
He stands up and walks over to me, so we are eye to eye in the middle of the room. “First of all, princess, I didn’t tell Jamie not to date you. He did that all on his own.”
“Did he talk to you about it?” I ask.
“Yes. And I told him I didn’t care who you dated. I gave him whatever permission he was after.”
None of this is making any sense. Jamie is saying one thing, yet Jack is saying another. Who am I supposed to believe?
“Then, why would he say that?”
“That’s a question for Jamie—not me.”
He turns to walk away and heads back to his desk. “I just don’t get it. Why do you hate me so much?”
“I’m serious, Jack. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but why are you nice to every other person in this town besides me? Have I not proven to you that I am not the devil by now?”
He looks beyond frustrated with me. “I don’t think you’re the devil. I just—”
I walk over to his desk, standing right in between his chair and the work that he’s trying to get back to. “What, Jack? Spit it out. Why is it that you are bound and determined to stay away from me? Why do you hate me that much?”
I look into his eyes, looking for any kind of sign to show me what he’s thinking. I find none.
“Whatever,” I mumble. “Fuck you.”
Before I get the chance to walk away, he stands back up, grabs me by the face, and pulls me in. His lips crash against mine, and my thoughts spin.
I immediately open for him, letting his tongue dance with mine. His hands easily lift me and set me on his desk.
He pulls back for the briefest of moments to look at me. “I tried to stay away from you because I knew the moment I kissed you, I wouldn’t be able to ever stop.”
Reaching up to pull the baseball cap off his head, I reply, “Then, don’t stop.”
That’s all it takes for him to pick up where we left off. The man kisses exactly how he looks—rough but oh, so good.
My legs wrap around his waist, trying to pull him even closer to me while my arms hold onto his big shoulders.
Every heated exchange that we have had up until now has all culminated in this kiss. It feels like we could combust at any second. This man that I have felt so much anger and animosity toward is slowly melting me into a puddle.
He slowly leans me back, and I break the kiss to say, “Oh, shit. I’m pretty sure I’m getting all your papers wet.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the papers,” he growls, pushing them out of the way. But as he attempts to find a way for me to be comfortable, he adds, “You know what? Let’s go upstairs. I don’t want anyone seeing the things I’m about to do to you.”
Yep. If my vagina wasn’t a practical water slide with just the kiss, it sure as shit is now.
He stands up straight and reaches for my hand to help me up. Not letting go, he leads me to the hallway and up a back staircase. Up until last night, I had no idea that there was any type of living quarters above the auto shop.
I wonder if it’s nice.
Who cares, Liz? You were ready to fuck the man on his desk.
He has me go up the stairs first, and on the way says, “Your ass looks great in those jeans.”
“Just wait until you see it without the jeans,” I tease.
“Woman, you’re going to drive me crazy. And you’re not moving fast enough.”