Waking up alone after one of the best nights ever sucks a big bag of dirty, slimy dicks. The fact Ghost left without so much as a goodbye, pissed me off. I can admit that freely. It’s also why I have ignored Weasel’s calls and stayed away from the club for the last week. It’s stupid because it is postponing my plans yet again. I can’t help it, though. A girl has to have a little bit of pride. Who knew me and my sperm donor have something in common? Seems like some of him leaked into my genes after all.
The fucking bastard.
“Hey, Miss Lennox, what can I get you?”
“I told you to call me Lenny,” I murmur with a grin to Mrs. M.
“Pfft. Lennox is a beautiful name. It’s sacrilege to shorten it.”
I laugh. “If you say so. I’ll take the usual, except make the coffee an extra-large this morning.”
“You got it. Go get your usual seat. I’ll have Bart bring it over to you.”
She waves me off and I smile as I walk off to my corner table in the back. It’s next to the window and allows me to people watch. The street outside is busy and watching all the people moving around outside can be fun. Also, it calms me. I need to figure out what I’m going to do. I hate to toot my own damn horn, but fuck, men normally like me. They even try to get clingy. Having Ghost just leave and not say goodbye hurt my ego. It shouldn’t have bothered me, so I’m frustrated with myself. I figured as good as the night was, he’d search me out in a couple of days. After a week, it’s clear that is not going to happen. Ghost was my way into the club, but apparently, I failed at reeling him in. I have a couple of options to consider. I keep using Weasel, which honestly is not appealing in the least. Making a move for one of the other members is a possibility. Rage and Iron are two of the single members that spring to mind. The good thing about Bones and his cronies is they’re dead now. None of the older members in the club know me. They never even saw me. Shadow is the only member whom Bones might have spoken with concerning me. Since Bones was cheating the club, I don’t think that happened. I’m willing to gamble that he doesn’t know me, at least.
If Teddy was alive, he’d yell at me about holding the Titans responsible when none of the current members were involved. He’d probably be right. The thing is, I need to take them down. I want to set fire to the club and watch it burn, knowing I tore them apart for what was done to me and the only family I had. I’ve been resisting, but there is another way I could go about this. I have markers I could call in …
I’m being a big baby. It’s time I man up. I thought Ghost would be an easy mark. So what if he fucked my brains out and gave me a fantastic night. So what if he left me and didn’t bother to talk to me again. Fuck him. I don’t need him.
I take out my phone and dial.
“Finally. Thought you’d forgotten me, hot stuff.”
I roll my eyes. Seriously, hot stuff? Are we back in the disco era? “How could I forget you? I’ve just been busy setting up my new business.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re like a clothing designer, right?”
I roll my eyes. God, I really don’t like this guy. “Web designer.”
“Okay, whatever. We’re having a party tonight. Do you want to come over?”
“You guys have a party every night.” I let out a fake laugh.
“That’s the life. Are you comin’ or what?”
“Not sure.”
“Bring some girls with you. This club could use some new talent.”
“Bye, Weasel.” I click my phone off before I end up telling him to go fuck himself. He’s annoyed me for a while now, but one taste of Ghost and I’m ready to decapitate Weasel. I don’t want to be around him at all now. How stupid am I?
I think it might be time to call in the bigger markers. It’s not like I will need them. After I take care of the club and my father, I’m out of the business.
“Hey, Lenny.”
I look up to see Mrs. Miller’s son, Bart, standing by the table. He’s a sweet kid. I think she said that he’s just started high school. He’s a tall, lanky kid with wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes. I imagine the kid is a heartbreaker among teenage girls.
“Thanks, Bart.”
“Mom sent you one of Dad’s banana nut and pistachio muffins. She thinks you’ll love it.”
“Give her my thanks.”