“Sounds doable. She’s bound to notice, though.”
“If she does, she’ll come at me, and I’ll explain. I want to give her a little space to work through everything she’s going through before I confront her, however. Ivan is out of town, but after he talks with Lennox he’s going to call me. I want to see the video and any other information that he might have. Maybe that will give me an idea of what’s going on.”
“I want to be at the meeting,” Shadow responds.
“I already have it cleared. It will be you, me, and E-Z. Brick will watch over my woman and the club.”
Everyone nods in agreement. I breathe a sigh of relief. That went easier than I imagined it would. Now, if I can just get my woman to trust me before I admit I dissected her life behind her back.
Fuck …
Chapter 19
“My little, Lennox,” Ivan croons and I roll my eyes.
“Just stop,” I laugh. “You always say that like I’m a delicate doll or something. We both know that Dimitri never allowed that.
“Dimitri was a horse’s ass that deserves to die.”
“It’s on my list.”
“Too late, poppet,” Viktor answers.
“What?” I answer, shock running through me.
“We put a contract on Dimitri as soon as we discovered you were here. We even stopped by to watch them dispose of his body before coming home.”
“It was my right to kill the bastard,” I growl, furious that I was robbed once more. I didn’t get to kill Bones or any of his posse and now I don’t even get to make sure my father drew his last breath.
“Lennox you have been trained to be a cold-blooded killer.”
“I know who I am, Mikhail,” I bite out, fury filling me more and more by the second.
“No child should be the one to kill their father. Even if he is a demon from hell,” Viktor justifies.
“Aren’t we all,” Ivan sighs and he has a point. There’s not a person in this room—myself included—that isn’t consumed by the darkness inside us. You have to be to live the lives we do.
“It was still my right to end him.”
“We recently had to kill our brother. I didn’t mind it, but the blood of your own on your hands carries different. I wanted to spare you of that, poppet.”
Viktor is a rare mix of English and Russian. His mother is different than that of Mikhail’s and Ivan’s. His use of the word poppet concerning me, however, is confusing as hell. “I thought you hated me,” I grumble.
“I hated not protecting you and seeing the path you were on, never you.”
“I like it better when you’re a scary asshole,” I point out.
“Noted. You never worried about Ivan being scary, though.”
“He wasn’t as cold as you. You can be intimidating as hell, Viktor. You’re cold and quiet. Ivan might be cold, but he enjoys it too much to remain quiet.”
Mikhail laughs. “Sweet God, she has you both pegged perfectly. Should I dare even ask how you see me, Lenny?”
“You do what needs to be done. Your heart isn’t in it. The darkness hasn’t clawed you raw on the inside like the rest of us.”
“Fuck,” Ivan murmurs.