I shake my head. “Good,” I lie, my voice little more than a grunt. It annoys me, but I don’t let it show. It has gotten better. There are times I can talk normally—although the sound is rougher than normal. It’s also deeper. Sometimes I don’t recognize it’s me and I’m the one doing the fucking talking.
“Yeah, right,” Shadow laughs, knowing I’m full of shit.
“Can’t handle parties anymore,” I finally confess. “It may be time for me to look for a place to stay away from the clubhouse.” I cough as I finish talking. I try to disguise it, but the smoke burns my throat and just makes it worse. The prospect minding the bar brings over a beer and I finally get it under control and take a swig to soothe my throat.
“Go check out the apartment above the garage outside. Liberty used it, but she’s staying at E-Z’s place now. He’s not going to let her leave. You could move in there easily.”
I nod. “Thanks. May check it out tomorrow.”
The two of us spin around on our stools and look over at the crowd. Rage has a woman on his lap and another by his side, with an arm around each of them. I shake my head. He reminds me of Train—my brother-in-law and a member of my old club. Train had women everywhere. He attracted the ladies like a magnet. That ended when he met my sister—if it hadn’t, the motherfucker would be dead. I find myself wondering if Rage will be as easily tamed as Train has proven to be.
E-Z and Liberty are missing as usual. Probably in her studio he had made and fucking. That’s always happening. Hell, the last time, the bastard came out with his hair stained in red, green, and blue paint. He wore that shit proudly for a month.
The club is full of visitors tonight. I don’t know what the celebration is for, but I’ve learned not to ask. Hell, sometimes they had a party because the day ended in the letter Y. As I look over the area, my gaze lights on one of our newest prospects. I don’t know him. Normally, we only address the pledges for the club by the title prospect. They have to earn a name, and that only happens when we patch a guy in. This guy, however, has been here a while. There’s still no movement to give him a cut. I get the feeling E-Z doesn’t like him. I know Shadow doesn’t. In fact, he gave this guy a name. Weasel. It’s not meant as a reward at all, although I think the guy thinks it is. He was crowing to the other prospects that he'll be patched in soon because he has a name now. The idiot actually thinks he has seniority here because he’s been trying to get a patch longer than any of the others. No one has the heart to tell the fool that seniority in being a prospect is a badge of honor. It’s merely a sign he’s an imbecile.
It's not really him I’m looking at. No, it’s the raven hair beauty with him. I’ve seen her with him a few times and I’ve never understood it. She’s so far out of Weasel’s league it’s not funny. Her body is a fucking masterpiece of curves. Her tits are full, yet perky as fuck. My hands have been itching to hold them for way too long. I haven’t acted on my hunger for her because she’s with another man. I don’t think it’s going to last long. She barely gives him the time of day. Her gaze moves all around the club. She looks at anyone other than the man she’s supposedly with. More to the point, she keeps looking at the patched members. Is she looking to be a club whore? That would be a shame—mainly because I want her, and I don’t fucking share. Finally, almost as if she can sense me staring at her, she looks over at me and her gaze locks with mine.
Her full, glossy, pink-colored lips spread into a smile that makes my dick ache. Her eyes flutter closed, and even from this distance I can admire the way her long lashes fall delicately against her skin. I give her a smile and in return, she bites down on her lower lip. Her head moves ever so slightly, seeming to indicate the front door. I nod with one quick movement. She turns to Weasel, who is busy talking to Brick. He shrugs and goes to kiss her, but she pulls away before he can. She stares at me as she gets up and walks toward the door. She steps out and I stand up without realizing it.
“See something you like?” Shadow questions. I flip him off and he barks out a laugh that I ignore.
I don’t have time for him. I’m going to go enjoy myself. It’s something I don’t do. I haven’t had a woman since Millie. I didn’t want one, but I definitely want a taste of this woman. And I’m going to have her. I couldn’t care less about Weasel. He’s an idiot. He deserves to lose his shot for allowing her to walk outside without him.
For tonight, his loss is definitely my gain.
Chapter 3
When I step outside, the prospects are standing by the door. They give me a nod as I pass. I walk out into the parking lot, searching for the raven-haired beauty that has caught my eye for way too long. I want a taste of her, and lucky for me, she seems to want the same thing.
My gaze moves over to the garage and that’s when I see her, illuminated by the neon sign over the garage bay area that shows the name of our business—Titans. Short and to the point, but that’s the name that covers the legitimate side of our businesses, and these days—with E-Z in charge—the club is mostly on the up and up. It only gets sketchy when we’re doing shit for DeLuca, Killian, and lately, the Levkin trio. It seems, after all the mess with the DeLuca Organization, we’ve developed a tight relationship with Ivan and his three brothers.
I stroll toward her. With each step, I feel my dick getting harder. It's been over a year since I've touched a woman. Fuck, I haven’t even been interested in one since Millie fucked me over. She might have thought she was doing everything for me, but it would have been better if she had just left. Lying to me and making me believe we wanted the same things—wanted a future with me—nearly destroyed me. Anything would have been better than to have her make me feel like I was some kind of charity case. Tension seems to ease in my body as I take in the way the woman in front of me is staring at me. She doesn’t see me as a pity fuck. Her hungry eyes are looking at me like she wants to eat me alive.
“Hi,” she whispers, making me smile.
“Hey,” I respond, and can’t hide my smirk. I don’t even try.
She moves her lips together, moistening them as she looks at me. I let my gaze rake over her tight jeans and soft jade colored T-shirt that clings to her, accentuating her curves. Christ, she’s stacked.
“Every time I’m here, you watch me.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“Do you see something you like?”
“I think you know the answer to that,” I respond. I hate that my voice comes out so gruff, but it doesn’t seem to bother her in the least. In fact, she seems to like it.
“Mm…” she hums. “I know that I like what I see.”
“You’re seeing Weasel.”
She shakes her head immediately. “I’m not.”
“Kitten, you come with him to almost every party.”
“Only to see you. If you’re not here, I don’t stay.”