“Lord help us all. Ivan Levkin as a father figure.”
Mikhail and Viktor laugh but I just smile at Ivan because he has always been that to me. As I hug them and say my goodbyes, I find I’m nervous. For the first time in forever, I don’t have a reason to keep moving. There is no revenge to achieve. My father isn’t out there lurking. I’m free. I don’t quite know what to do with myself. I. know I need to talk to Ghost, but I’m not ready yet. I think I’m terrified of what he’ll think of me when he finds out who I am and what I’ve done…
Will he think of me differently? Will he still want me?
Chapter 20
I wake up alone, which kind of sucks, but happens often with me and Ghost. I feel lighter now. I can admit that. After my meeting with Ivan, Viktor and Mikhail yesterday, I feel better. I’m breathing easier. They’re right. I need to live my life. I don’t know where that life is taking me, but I do know that I’m not leaving Ghost. Ivan is right. Teddy would want me to be happy. That’s all he ever was—happiness and love. I owe it to him to hold those things in my grasp reverently. The only way I have them is with Ghost in my life. I’m completely happy for the first time in my life. Although that’s more than a little scary, it is also freaking amazing. I’ve decided to confess everything to Ghost tonight. I don’t want to have secrets between us. I have no experience, but I’m pretty sure that secrets can destroy a relationship.
This is now my home and I plan on protecting it. I even love this damn MC club. Liberty is the bomb and I do really like E-Z. He’s nothing like Bones. He’s a good man. Hell, I even like Shadow. Admittedly, I’ve not had a lot of time with him, but I do like him. Then, there’s Ghost. He is my home. He’s everything to me. For the first time in my life, I want to belong to a man. Teddy would want that for me, too. To him the world was simple. All he wanted was me happy and other than his smile the only thing ever to do that is Ghost.
I grab the keys off the counter, excited to start my first day of freedom. People in my line of work don’t normally get to retire. I’m doing so under the umbrella of the Levkin name. It doesn’t make me entirely safe, but I’ll be safer than most.
I plan on doing nothing today but enjoying myself. That’s why Ghost left me the keys to his truck. I figure he will still have men following me, but that doesn’t really bother me. He’s given her space to work things out, not even questioning me about meeting with Ivan and the others yesterday. He could have because he knows that’s where I was but chose not to.
I know I should have hashed everything out with him last night. That will wait until tonight. I’ll go visit with Mrs. M and then run by Victoria’s Secret for something special to surprise my man with tonight. Finally, I’ll pick up dinner from Steak 44. It’s Ghost’s favorite place to eat He’s taken me there a couple of times and I know exactly what to order for him.
With my excitement building, I head outside, almost bouncing down the stairs to the parking lot by the garage. The garage is kind of quiet today. Then again, Ghost did mention that the boys had something to do today. There are some men talking inside the big bay door. I recognize one as Brick. I actually really like him. He’s the silent type until you force him to talk and then he can be funny as hell. As I start walking toward the truck, Iron calls out.
“Where you headed, Len?”
Ugh. “I have some stuff to do in town,” answer, putting my hand up on my forehead to block out the sun.
“I was needing to run into town. I’ll go with you.”
I want to say no immediately. I can’t figure out why he rubs me the wrong way like he does, but the truth is that I just don’t like him. I know Ghost does, so I’m trying to get over it, but it’s not working.
“That’s not necessary.”
“Afraid it is, Len. The club has some shit going on. Ghost wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t have his woman’s back and make sure you’re safe.”
I smile despite my uneasiness. I like being called as Ghost’s woman. I shake my head feeling like a silly teenager in the throes of first love.
“You should let him go, darlin’,” Brick adds.
“Fine,” I huff. “However, I’m warning you now that I’m going shopping at Victoria’s Secret and you’re going to be bored.”
“You shopping for sexy underwear could never be boring,” he croons.
I want to tell him to go fuck himself, but Brick comes to my rescue and slaps him hard on the back of the head. “Leave Ghost’s woman alone, moron,” he growls.
“Fuck,” Iron hisses.
“He may not seem it, Lenny, but he’s safe.”
“I’ll take your word for it, Brick,” I answer, making him laugh. “Get a move on, Iron, if you’re coming.”
Iron takes a rag from Brick and wipes his hands, before jogging to the truck. He comes around the driver’s side and holds out his hand. “Keys, woman.”
“Oh no. I’m driving.”
“There’s a code of contact. I’m the man with the dick and in my world that means I drive the woman around,” he argues.
I forehead furrows in irritation. “This is a new world and I drive. If your dick can’t handle it, I could cut it off so it wouldn’t be an issue.”
He studies my face and then shakes his head. “You’re hard as hell, aren’t you Lennox?”