Page 11 of Unspoken Vows

“If you don’t leave, they’ll be carrying you away in an ambulance or a coroner’s van. The choice is yours, kid.”

“Ghost!” Lennox gasps. I don’t respond. I’m mostly enjoying the way the snot-nosed brat in front of me loses all color in his face. Raising my eyebrow in challenge, I wait to see what else Lennox says. “I’m fine, Bart,” she huffs. “Ghost is just annoying me today because I broke up with him and he’s butt-hurt. You go on inside. I’ll give a shout if I need you.”

“If you’re sure,” he hedges, watching me warily.

“I’m sure. Ghost wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s just an asshole.”

“He sure is,” Bart mutters.

I move to hit the asshole in the back of the head. It wouldn’t kill him, but I’m thinking it would at least give him whiplash. I don’t get to do that because Lennox catches my hand. She does it so fast that I can admit it shocks me. She also has a strong grip. It wouldn’t stop me, but it would take the force out of my hit—which, in turn, would take the fun away, too. So, in the end, I don’t move. At least she’s holding my hand—kind of.

“What the hell are you trying to accomplish here, Ghost?”

“Not sure. But now I know your name.”

“I … My name?”


“I’ve come to the conclusion that you and your entire club are deranged. That’s like Weasel inviting me to the club party tonight just so I could bring some friends because the club needs new talent. Jesus, I mean, what do I look like? Am I supposed to be the club pimp now?”

“He did what?”

“I’m not repeating that, especially to you. We have nothing left to say to one another. We had a one-night stand, or whatever you want to call it. You are not allowed to come back a week later, wanting to scratch another itch. One-night stands are exactly that, one night.”

“You pissed I left, or pissed I didn’t come back?” I ask.

“Right now, I’m mostly pissed we’re breathing the same air.”

I grin. She’s definitely not pretending to like me. I’m pretty sure she might hate me. I have no idea why that makes my dick hard, but it does. “Spend the day with me.” The words are out before I realize it, but they lay between us now and I can’t be sorry. I see the surprise on her face.

“That doesn't seem like a good idea to me. I think you are dangerous to my equilibrium.”

“You’re the kind of woman who likes danger.”

Lennox stares at me, completely surprised. Maintaining eye contact, I wait, not knowing what my next move is. I just know if she turns me down, I’ll try another angle. I’m enjoying being around her. I’m not worried she’s lying to me or using me until something better comes along. Whatever this is between us, we’re both feeling it.

“What are we going to do?”

“Don’t know.”

“We’re not having sex,” she grumbles. I remain silent, because I sure as fuck won’t agree to that. “I mean it.” Still, I just stare at her. “Let me put my food up and we’ll go.”

We walk to my bike that’s parked in the alley by her apartment. Dropping my foot on the bottom step to follow her up the stairs, she turns and stops me.

“What?” I ask, wondering if she’s changed her mind.

“You stay here. I don’t want you in my apartment.” I raise a brow at her answer, wondering if I should be pissed off. “You get in there, you’ll try to fuck me, and I’m not ready for that.”

Lennox is nothing if not blunt. I find I’m pretty damn appreciative of that, too. “Make it quick,” I grump, fighting myself to keep from carrying her up to her apartment and taking what we both want.

Chapter 8


“I can’t believe you brought me to Kohls for our date,” I grumble as I push the buggy through the aisle.

“Not a date.”