I’ve never been a confident person.
Decisive? Yeah. Straightforward? Sure. But confident may as well be a foreign word.
Not concerning my appearance, I’ve truly never cared too much about that. I can’t change how I look, not without surgery, and besides, I have my father’s nose.
My insecurities appear more on the social side of things. My dad never liked the term “introvert.” He always said that people used it like it was a dirty word, like it meant you were cold or miserable. He also said it completely defeated the purpose of my middle name, “felicity,” which means happiness. Sorry, Dad.
So, he called me his Wallflower. I’ve come to learn in recent years that the term isn’t much better. But that’s beside the point. The point is: I’ve always had trouble saying the right things. But Violet? Words flow out of her mouth like she’s a poet. During sex, at least. Otherwise, she’s more of a parrot.
7“Your pussy is so fucking wet for me, isn’t it?” Violet mumbles, her fingers pumping inside of me.
They glide in and out effortlessly. I roll my hips, my clit brushing against the top of her thigh as I ride her small, calloused fingers. I groan. “Don’t stop.”
Violet’s eyes shoot open, pure purpose written across her face in the form of a taunting smirk.
“When are you going to stop telling me what to do?” she asks. Her legs hook around the backside of mine, and she rolls her body over until my back lands on my worn jersey sheets.
“What was that?” I huff, blowing a strand of hair off my forehead. “Krav Maga?”
“Jiu jitsu,” Violet answers, dropping the information so casually. Her fingers wrap around my waist and slowly pull until I have turned onto my side. Then, she grabs my thigh, tugging on it gently until it forms into an arch. A hesitant feeling grows in my gut, my stomach twisting nervously, but I comply. Violet stays at the foot of the bed, slowly pulling her legs out from under her.
“Um, I don’t—” I swallow, worried I might say all the right things to ruin this situation. Violet’s gaze focuses onto me, her head tilting slightly to the left.
“Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”
There is no question as to what my answer is. No. I might not have any idea what she’s planning to do, but still. Positively and definitively “no.”
I shake my head, and a sly smirk creeps across Violet’s lips.
“Use your words, Princess,” she mocks but still doesn’t place her hands back on me. I roll my eyes.
“No,” I say, making sure my voice comes off more confident than I actually feel. Violet nods, settling herself between my legs.
“Okay, well if you want me to stop, let me know, okay? Should we set a safe word?”
“I think ‘stop’ is a good one,” I say snarkily.
Violet’s brows raise for just a beat before falling again. “You’d be surprised,” she murmurs, her cheeks flushing. “Alright. Just tell me to stop, and I will.”
I nod and watch as Violet slips her leg underneath my left one, the skin on her thigh softer than the sheets we’re laying on. Then, her other leg begins to move, gliding over the top of that very same leg. Her hips move forward, heat radiating between us as she presses herself against me. Even though she hasn’t done anything yet, a needy pulse thrums from my clit, begging for friction. I swear I could come just from the contact of her wet pussy on mine.
“Fuck,” I mutter.
Violet quirks an eyebrow. “That is the idea, yes.”
I ignore her because her hand grips my arm, and she slowly begins to roll her hips, her slick pussy grinding against my clit. Holy shit.
Why did I think this was a myth? Maybe it is because this feels too fucking good to be true. A soft suction forms between us as Violet continues rotating her hips. My breath hitches, my fingers gripping the sheets desperately as Violet’s head rolls ba—
I don’t even realize that the word came out of my mouth until Violet’s head snaps forward. Her eyes grow wide. My chest heaves, my head shaking, as I try to figure out where the fuck that word even came from.