Page 134 of Puppy Love

“Hayden showed me what you’ve done with the place. It’s absolutely amazing,” she says in her thick Australian accent. Kate McNeil is the lead anchor for the GRV News. By the fate of the universe, she also happens to be Hayden’s cousin's wife.

“Thank you,” I say. I look at Hayden’s proud gleam, then adjust my gaze back onto Kate. “I couldn’t have done it without him.”

“He’s a sweet little bugger, isn’t he?” Kate ruffles the hair on Hayden’s head, and blood rushes to his cheeks from embarrassment.

“That, he is.” I smile.

“Alright, well, it’s almost time to shoot. Are you ready?”

I nod, even though internally my brain is screaming absolutely-fucking-not.

“Let’s do this.”

Kate walks toward the building, saying something that I can’t quite hear to the two men standing against it. I start to follow but stop a few feet away from the door. I turn back, looking at Cam. The sun has started to peek through the trees and is casting a warm glow on her face. She smiles and blows me a dramatic kiss. I pretend to catch it and put it in my pocket. My eyes dart over to Hayden, who shoots me an enthusiastic thumbs-up, Major perched perfectly at his side. I face the door again, take a deep breath, and then step inside.

It only takes a few minutes for the camera men to get set up. Kate checks her watch, then motions for me to come stand next to her.

“Teeth check,” she says, lifting her lips to expose her perfectly white teeth again. I laugh

“You’re good. Me?” I feel silly replicating the look, but the realness of it actually helps calm my nerves. Kate is much more genuine than you would expect, and I feel guilty for thinking she wouldn’t be in the first place.

“It’s alright to be nervous but remember, there’s really no need to be,” Kate says, nodding in approval at my teeth. “People are going to be so excited about this, and you don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be you. They only care if I mess up, which I never do.”

She winks, and the tension in my body seems to release a bit. We position ourselves side-by-side, Kate gripping the large wireless microphone in her palm.

The camera man begins to count down, showing his fingers in accordance with the number leaving his mouth. “5-4-3...”

He starts to mouth the numbers silently, and then, the word “go”.

Here we go.

“This is Kate McNeil with GRV News reporting live from The Dog Whisperer Training Facility. I’m here with the company’s founder, Violet Wolfe, to discuss this exciting new business located on the outskirts of Greenrock Valley. Violet, how are you doing today?”

Kate says the sentences so seamlessly that for a moment, I forget she asked me a question.

“I am wonderful, Kate. How are you?” I respond into the large microphone pointed in my direction. I look at Kate, who offers me a smile. But it isn’t a perfect “on air” gesture. It’s a genuine, comforting smile, and it helps me shake whatever nerves I had left.

“I am doing well, Violet, thank you for asking. I was so excited to hear about the upcoming launch of The Dog Whisperer. Can you give some insight as to what it is that you do?”

And before I can think about it, the words start to flow out of my mouth, just as seamlessly as Kate’s. She continues, shooting one question after another.

“How long have you been training dogs for?”

“What kind of training do you provide?”

I answer them seamlessly, not needing to pause and think about my answers. That is, until she asks the last question.

“Can I ask what exactly gave you the idea to start your own training business?”

It’s a basic question. An expected one, even. So I’m not sure why it catches me so off guard. I shift my weight between my feet and start chewing on the inside of my cheek. Why did I do this? Because of Cam? Because of Angela? Because of Hayden?


I look at the men behind the camera, then I look at Kate. Kate nods, and I take a steadying breath, the answer flooding me all at once.

“I started this business because I want to spend my life surrounded by things that I love. I love training, and I love dogs. And I want to do everything I can to help them.”

“And I know you will. We’re going to take a quick break and come back to give you an exclusive tour of the facility. This is Kate McNeil, reporting live with GRV News.”