Page 130 of Puppy Love

And no matter how much you try to have control over it, you absolutely don’t. All you can control is your reaction to what does happen.

I nod.

“That makes sense,” I sigh. “So, what should I do?”

Dr. Burton chuckles, shaking his head.

“Cam, there is no should. Not past releasing expectation and opening communication. Other than that—” He sighs. “I can’t tell you what to do. But I don’t think I need to. I think we wouldn’t be having this conversation if you hadn’t already thought about it.”

My cheeks flush, knowing that he’s right. It’s all I’ve been thinking about, actually, since the moment I confessed to Adrian. I stopped thinking about Angela and about Furry Friends. About that stupid fucking contract. I can find another job. I will knock on people’s doors offering to groom their dog in their goddamn bathroom before I let some stupid rule prevent me from loving Violet Wolfe.

I nod.

“Do you get paid more for being right?”

Violet came back from her Christmas vacation a day late. I thought more about what Dr. Burton said, about making sure she doesn’t feel trapped. So I decided to wait a few more days to ask her to meet me. I don’t know why she was late coming back, but I know whatever happened in Clarkston, that it was hard.

So now, I’m here. Sitting in Luigi’s driver’s seat parked in the Furry Friends parking lot. I tried to think of the best place to do it, but it all felt like too much pressure, even in private. At her house, I would be invading space. At mine, she would be somewhere uncomfortable. In public is never a good idea, but somewhere too secluded could feel overly intense.

I don’t know what Violet is thinking. I have no idea what she’s feeling, and I have no idea if she’s going to believe a single word coming from my mouth. All I do know is that I have to try. Life is too short not to tell someone you love them.

I could get crushed in an avalanche tomorrow.

Violet could be in a fatal car crash.

The world could catch on fire, and everything could turn to ash.

Whatever happens, it will happen with Violet knowing how I feel.

I swallow hard, tapping my fingers on the wooden steering wheel anxiously. Three minutes has never felt so long, and so fast at the same time. Violet turns the corner, looking down at her phone as she does it.

Her hair is pulled back into its usual, perfectly messy bun. Her lashes are in their usual perfect thick rows. Her piercings sit perfectly crooked on her perfect face. Everything about her is usual and perfect.

I take a staggered breath, unlocking the passenger door. Hopefully I can get through this without going into an anxiety attack.

“Hey,” Violet says softly, sliding into the passenger seat. Everything is dancing on my tongue, trying not to spill out of my mouth the moment I see her, as I remember what Dr. Burton said. But it’s hard, staring at this woman, knowing I don’t want to go another day without her by my side. Knowing that she has no earthly idea how much I want her.


She pulls the door closed gently, looking at me for a brief moment, and then away.

“I hope you’re not planning on driving me somewhere,” she jokes softly, patting the dashboard. “Because last I heard, he wouldn’t make it up Maple Hill.”

My cheeks flush, and I roll my eyes, my mouth tugging into a slight smile.

“Adrian will take any chance to shit on him, won’t they?”

Violet chuckles softly, then her expression drops. She swallows and looks up at me.

“Look, Cam, I just want to say—”

“I—” I start to cut her off, then shake my head. No. Let her talk. Give her space. “Sorry. Go ahead.”

She smiles softly.

“This entire thing got completely out of hand. Monsey’s, the contract, it was all extremely unprofessional of me. And I realize that now, the position I put you in and—“

34I don’t want to interrupt her. I keep hearing Dr. Burton’s voice replaying in my head to just let her say how she feels. But I can’t when none of it is true. I mean, sure, it was unprofessional. But Violet didn’t put me in a bad position. I created the contract. I wanted to continue it. And I knew what the risks were. Violet was never in a position of power over me, at least it never felt that way. She isn’t that kind of boss, the one who sits there and delegates while they watch. She’s the one you forget is in charge at all because she treats everyone like a friend.