My eyes drift to Mallory, a nervous smile on her face. I don’t know everything that happened between her and Violet, I just know it isn’t my business. And her sleeping with Cody? Well, that was a blessing in disguise. For me, at least. If anything, I feel sorry for her.
“Hey,” Mallory says shyly. She’s beautiful, like, ridiculously beautiful. And I am just the right amount of jealous.
“Hi,” I say back, offering her a smile. Mallory smiles back, her glossy lips shining in the sunlight.
“All right!” Jeremiah calls out, clapping his hands together. “I think it’s time for presents.”
“Yay, presents!” Tyler squeals, running to the porch.
His brows raise to Ruthie, and she nods, looking between Violet and me.
“Oh, thank you guys so much for bringing her up. I just knew when I saw that little face on the Pine Paws website that Tyler had to have her.”
I smile, and Violet pats a hand on Ruthie’s back.
“She doesn’t come pre-trained so just—” She pats it twice more. “Good luck, kid.”
We circle around the table as Tyler opens her presents. “Just Dance” from Mallory, and a few puzzles and books from her parents. She opens them all with the exact same gratuitous expression, saying “thank you” after even the smallest gifts.
“There’s one more.” Violet wiggles her eyebrows at Tyler, who tilts her head, confused. “We had to save the best for last, of course.”
Tyler shakes her head. “Dad says that all presents are equal because the people who give them to us all love us.”
Violet shoots Jeremiah a smirk, then looks down at Tyler.
“Oh, we’ll see about that.”
She runs inside and comes back with that same cardboard box.
“Sorry, I had to put you back in,” she whispers into it as she sets it in front of Tyler. Tyler looks agitated, like she’s both excited and scared to open it.
“Alright, go ahead, baby,” Jeremiah says. Tyler lifts the top of the box, her eyes practically bulging out of her head as she looks inside. She squeals and jumps back to contain her excitement.
“You got me a puppy?” she whispers, tapping her feet excitedly back and forth like a penguin. Jeremiah scoops the fluffy black puppy into his arms and cradles her gently.
“Well, you’re not getting another sibling so—”
Ruthie shoots him a glare, and Mallory chuckles.
Tyler throws her arms around Violet and I both, squeezing tightly.
“Thank you, Aunt Vi! Thank you, Aunt Cam!”
Violet grins at me, watching as a smile forces its way across my face. My cheeks turn pink.
“Yeah, you’re definitely her favorite now,” Ruthie whispers to me, and I bite my lip to hide a smile.
“Can I hold her?” Tyler asks. Jeremiah nods, motioning for her to sit back down.
“Be respectful, remember?”
Tyler nods, holding out her arms. “I will.”
I feel a soft tug on the sleeve of my shirt, Violet tossing her head to the side in a “follow me” gesture. I slide my chair back and trail her to the corner of the yard.
I quirk an eyebrow, but as my lips part to speak, Violet begins to word-vomit.
“This is a really bad time, I know that,” she says quickly. “But if I don’t ask now, I’m going to chicken out.” She reaches into her pocket and retrieves a singular silver key. “I know you love your apartment, and if you want to keep it, that’s totally fine. This is a big thing I’m asking, a big change, and we can revisit it later down the road if we need to. But I would love it if you would—”
“Yes,” I cut in with a breathy laugh. I nod repetitively, a huge grin breaking across my face. “Yes Violet, I will move in with you.”
The tension in Violet’s body eases, a smile tugging at her lips as she pulls me in and cradles my face in her hands.
“I love you, Cam,” she says, pressing her lips to my forehead. I melt into her, my fingers gripping onto her shirt.
“I love you, Violet,” I say back. The spring air feels warm against my skin, the sun beaming down brightly.
I’m not where I was a year ago. Hell, I’m not where I was yesterday. I was scared of it before, but now, I’m so grateful that everything has changed.