Page 71 of Love to the Rescue

“I did,” she said. “I’ve got a boyfriend.”

“You do?” Tess said. “That’s wonderful. Did Quinn meet him? Did he go with you?”

She liked how Tess didn’t ask too many questions in terms of who Braylon was. When she lived with the Websters, they did ask because it was their job to know. But when Lily moved out, Tess had said her job as a parent was over and she could be a friend.

Looking back, she realized that it was more than a job for them, but it wasn’t a family either.

Maybe she just wanted one so badly that she thought it was one because she was cared for. But she wasn’t cared about as much as when she was with Quinn.

Or even Braylon’s family.

That wasn’t a bad thing. She’d had plenty of foster parents who only wanted the monthly check and didn’t care if she was home at night other than if a case manager was stopping in for a home visit.

Her reason for calling took on a new meaning to her right now.

“Yes, Quinn met Braylon. They like him a lot. He’s a little older than me. I don’t feel it when I’m with him though.”

“That’s good,” Tess said. “You never had a father figure in your life. Not even an older brother you could fully rely on. I’ve never seen you as someone to have a Daddy complex or need one in your life, but I think you need some kind of male stability too. I hope he can give you that.”

“Yes,” she said. “He can and he does. He’s the second oldest of a large family. He’s very family oriented and protective, but he’s not overbearing with it.”

“Even better. You deserve that in your life, Lily.”

“Thanks, Tess. I was calling to say thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome,” Tess said. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” she said. “It’s good. It’s getting there. You and Ronnie were there for me when I needed it the most. You gave me the skills and knowledge that I never got anywhere else. Anyone that ends up in a home with you is very lucky.”

“Awww, sweetie, that is a wonderful thing to say. I’m so happy to hear it.”

“You have a good day,” she said. “I know you’re still at work.”

“I’m leaving soon. Keep in touch, Lily. You sound well.”

“You too,” she said but wondered how much longer they would.

The Websters had been fostering kids for twenty years. The number that went in and out of their house or aged out was too great for her to know.

There was no way they kept in touch with them all.

It was time to live her life and move on with the skills she’d learned in the past. Some not so great under her mother or other foster families, but better with the Websters and Quinn.

She texted Braylon asking him to let her know when he was home since she hadn’t seen him yesterday or today. They hadn’t even talked since he dropped her off on Sunday. Nothing more than texts.

She hoped everything was okay and would try not to worry or let any insecurities creep in.



“Sounds like we’ve had the same couple of days,” Braylon said the next day at lunch.

He’d hated that work was kicking his butt, but that was what you get when you take time off and were trying to get as much as you could done before the end of the year.

“Yeah,” Lily said while she picked her sandwich up and took a bite. They were grabbing a quick lunch around the block from their building. He was glad he was able to make the time.

He hated that she’d had such a horrible day with her boss yesterday and he wasn’t there to listen to it.