Page 49 of Love to the Rescue

She had no idea if Stella looked them over or not, but she had the proof she sent them to her boss and got an email back to proceed. Normally one simple response that said “okay.”

“If you could forward all of that to both of us,” Nate said, “we’d appreciate it. The same with the start of your press release.”

“No problem,” she said. “I can do that right now.”

She clicked a few buttons and sent it on. The press release had blank spots if she was waiting on information from the surveys, but they’d understand what was being said.

Both men stood up and she did the same. Guess the meeting was over.

“Thank you for your time,” Aaron said. “This was also informative.”

They were grinning at her and then were talking quietly when they walked down the hall. She had no idea what that was all about and just had to put it from her mind.

When she got back to her desk, she noticed she’d missed a call from Braylon.

He almost never called her during the day. Always texted, but there was no way she was bringing her cell phone with her to the meeting with Aaron and Nate.

She called Braylon back quickly. “Hi,” he said. “Were you busy?”

“I was,” she said. “In a meeting.” She lowered her voice. “I have to tell you about it. I’m not sure what to make of it.”

“I’m about five minutes out from the building coming back from a meeting. I thought I could pick you up for lunch if you can go early today,” he said.

She looked at her watch and saw it was twelve thirty. Since Stella wasn’t here she could do it. No one cared when she went to lunch other than her boss, who liked to know where she was at all times.

“I can,” she said. “I’ll leave now and be waiting for you to pull up outside so I can hop in. We aren’t going far, are we?”

“No,” he said. “Just a few blocks. I’m in one of West’s cars. He’ll pick us up when we are done.”

“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” she said. She shut the top on her laptop and then grabbed her purse and jacket and left the office.

She was opening the door from the stairs at the same time that Nate was getting off the elevator.

“Hi again,” Nate said to her.

“You too,” she said. It probably sounded stupid, but it’s what came out of her mouth.

“Hope I didn’t keep you from lunch,” Nate said, as he walked her through the lobby to the front door.

“No. I normally go at one, but my boyfriend called and said he’d pick me up if I could go now.”

Nate held the door open for her and it was almost like perfect timing that West’s town car pulled in front and Braylon got out.

It didn’t appear as if Nate knew Braylon, at least she didn’t think so from his expression, but she wasn’t watching that closely either. The fact she was getting into a private town car and not a taxi might be a little flag though.

“Have a good lunch,” Nate said.

“Thank you,” she said. “You too.”

“Who is that?” Braylon asked, getting in after she did.

“That is the Vice President of Communications. I just had a meeting with him and the Director of Communications.”

“How come?” he asked. “I’m assuming this is what you wanted to tell me?”

“It was odd,” she said. “Aaron, he’s the Director and one level above Stella. Then Nate, who you just saw, is the VP. Aaron stopped me in the hallway and asked if I had a minute. As you know, Stella is on vacation. I said sure but didn’t expect Nate to be there.”

“What did they want to know?” he asked.