Page 53 of Love to the Rescue

She didn’t say another word about it. He learned that she didn’t argue with him. It’s like she felt she shouldn’t give her opinion or thoughts at times and he hated that.

He’d even told her in the past the problem West got in with Abby and that he never wanted to be that way.

She said he wasn’t. He believed it. He wanted her to always feel as if she had a voice, but he wanted to hear it too.

He put his laptop away, set the table and the two of them sat down for dinner.

“I like that you help out,” she said.

“Always,” he said. “We had to as kids. We all had chores. No way my mother could do it all, but she tried.”

“I can’t imagine how bad things like laundry had to be for her.”

“Once we hit ten we were doing our own laundry. She just had too many other things to do. I always had these hopes and thoughts I’d be the one to set her up. I mean I knew I was going to be a lawyer. West just said he was going to be rich.”

He laughed when he said that. Not that he didn’t believe in his brother, but it wasn’t like West had a set plan. His plan was to find the best opportunities he could and invest in them. His brother was smart, he’d give him that.

West researched everything to death and took risks when Braylon knew he’d never be able to.

Though many would say he took a risk by working with West rather than taking one of the offers he’d gotten when he graduated from law school.

He supposed in his mind he had to stick it out with West because he believed in him and knew that he had something to fall back on if he had to.

He never needed to and had his brother to thank for a lot of his life.

“He is,” she said. “And so are you and your siblings. Rich in a lot of areas in life, not just monetarily.”

“You’re right,” he said. “I always try to remember those things. We didn’t have a lot when my father was alive, but we had the right things. Though I do feel bad for my mom. Many said she signed up for that life and she did. But no one said she needed to have that many kids.”

He was laughing when he said it, but he remembered being frustrated every time his mother said she was pregnant again. It felt as if there just wasn’t enough time, money or energy to go around and his mother got the brunt of it.

“I’m sure she wanted them,” she said. “But maybe not. My mother, I don’t think she wanted any of us.” It was said so quietly and he wanted to ask more, but she turned and started to eat, then said, “I really like relaxing with you like this.”

“Me too,” he said. They ate their dinner in quiet, then he helped her clean up the dishes.

“Do you mind if I take a quick shower?”

“Go ahead,” he said. “I’ll be sitting on the couch waiting for you.”

She gave him a quick kiss and he watched her walk out.

She’d said before she liked how simple their time was together. He did too. It reminded him of where he came from and not where he was.

All the women he’d dated before always wanted to go out to fancy clubs and restaurants. Be seen and heard and be part of the life going on around them.

And though he liked living in a big city and had things to do anytime he wanted, he liked it even more spending time alone with his girlfriend.

He got it now why West was so drawn to Abby and the life she lived and when they were together.

It was what he had with Lilian and wanted to continue.

He just didn’t understand her need to move to the city though from a small town.

It seemed she didn’t care for Lake Placid, but it’s not like she wanted to do all the things many did in the city either.

There was just so much to her he didn’t know or understand. He hoped he could figure it out. Maybe when he met her sister he’d have a better idea of her.

She came out ten minutes later and sat on the couch next to him. He put his phone down and his arm around her and pulled her close.