Page 43 of Love to the Rescue

“Then give me a kiss,” he said. “Maybe we can get lunch.”

“Let me know,” she said. “You’ve got a busier schedule than me.”

“Not always,” he said, winking. He got his coffee out of her hand and then moved to the elevator and got in.

They were packed in like always, him moving to the back since he’d be the last stop. It thinned out before he got there and it was only employees on his floor but not many this early.

West was still in the Hamptons with Abby. He’d be in later after he dropped Abby off at the airport. Laken was out of town. He knew he’d have to call his mother and tell her soon though.

He could put it off or do it now while it was quiet. His mother would be up. Might as well get it over with since Lilian said she was going to talk to her sister tonight.

He shut his door and pulled his phone out, hit the button for his mother and sat back to wait.

She answered on the second ring. “Braylon. What’s wrong? You never call me first and not this early. I hope something didn’t happen to West.”

Of course she’d think that. “No,” he said. “He’ll be in soon. He’s at the Hamptons with Abby. Laken, Foster and I were there this weekend too. I got back yesterday.”

“Oh,” his mother said. “You all don’t normally go there. Especially if Abby is visiting.”

Because they liked to give their brother the time to be with his girlfriend.

“There was a reason,” he said. “I’m dating someone. You know Laken. She wanted to meet her and I figured it might be best to do it as a group.”

“You’re dating someone and introduced her to your siblings?” his mother asked.

“Did I stutter or slur my words?”

“Don’t be funny or cute,” his mother said, laughing. “I’m just asking for clarification. Maybe you’re pranking me.”

“No prank,” he said. “It’s the truth. I’ve been seeing Lilian for over a month.”

“And how did you meet?” his mother asked.

This was where he had to decide if he was going to be truthful or not. If he lied, one of his siblings might slip and it could come out later.

His mother might get a kick out of it.

Well,” he said. “There were these guys bugging her at the coffee shop.”

He explained it all to his mother. From the time he’d noticed her to when he stepped in and then later when they had lunch and she was “caught” by a coworker.

“You always did like to be just like your brother,” his mother said.

He frowned over that. He might have looked up to West his whole life, but he didn’t always like to be compared to him either.

“I guess,” he said. “This is a little different though.”

“Yes and no,” his mother said. “So you are actually dating and this isn’t some make believe thing?”

“We are dating,” he said. “Nothing is fake about it. She’s going to tell her sister this week.”

“Tell me about her,” his mother said. “I want to hear it from you and not your siblings.”

“I don’t know all that much about her past. Well, probably the same as she knows about ours.”

He told his mother about Lilian moving from Lake Placid and having lived with her older sister for years. Having two older brothers whom it didn’t seem she talked to often and no relationship with her mother.

“I always feel sorry for parents whose children don’t talk to them.”