I turn to find Dirk jogging up Sycamore toward me. The big sylph grins as he comes alongside me, blue lips splitting to reveal dual rows of conical teeth.

“Hello, hunter.” I give him a polite look. “I was just about to comm you.”

“Oh, I’m sure yeh were,” he says with a playful wink. “I’ve been busy.”

My brows rise. “Oh? Still looking for Wesley here in town?”

He laughs. “Sarcasm noted, Keeper. Technically, Evenia recalled the team but left me here to keep an eye on things. She doesn’t trust yeh, although I suppose yeh know that.”

I narrow my eyes. “Wesley is not in Ever. We’ve surmised this.”

“Well, you and I know that,” he croons. “So I’m keepin’ an eye on the Hectors’ pretty little aunt instead. Yeh know, ensuring she gets acquainted with the town and whatnot.”

I roll my eyes. “You’ve only been here a few weeks yourself, Dirk.”

“And yet I’ve seen every inch of yer lovely little haven, Keeper. And I’d like to show Lou every inch, if yeh know what I mean.”

I grimace. “You won’t make it far with jokes like that.”

He gives me a haughty look, casting blue eyes down my frame and back up. “Oh, and yer the paragon of romantic endeavors, are yeh?”

“Howdy, boys!” Arkan’s voice rings up Sycamore.

Dirk and I turn as the other male canters gracefully toward us. He stops next to Dirk, and despite a friendly acquaintance with Arkan, I find I don’t want to introduce him as our secondary Keeper. I choke down completely illogical rising ire and look at Dirk.

“Dirk, this is Arkan—”

“Canterbury, I know,” Dirk finishes, reaching for Arkan with his hand outstretched.

Arkan beams and grips Dirk’s hand, shaking it vigorously. “And you must be Dirk the famous hunter. I was always sad not to meet you at HQ, but no doubt you were slinking around in the shadows chasing assholes.”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. He was chasing something, I’m sure.

“I’ve never stopped chasing assholes,” Dirk says with a laugh. He stares at Arkan’s shirt, which I hadn’t noticed until this moment. “Heh, seems I’m not the only one, eh, centaur?”

I squint my eyes at the print on Arkan’s tee.

Oh my gods.

He points to it with a big grin. “If you think anal’s hard, try stallion style!” When he gives me a pleased look, I groan and slap my hand over my face. “That is hardly appropriate for a Keeper!”

Arkan shrugs, the smug smile growing a little bigger. “Never said I was a conventional Keeper. I stay pretty chill when I’m at HQ so Evenia thinks I’m a good boy, but I’m not really a good boy.”

“Wicked cool,” Dirk says with a snort. He glances at me. “I like ’im already, Keeper.”

I give Arkan a chilly look. “Cover it around the kids, if you insist on wearing it.”

“I’m well practiced, Keeper,” Arkan says with a stomp of his forefoot. “This ain’t my first rodeo.”

“Noice,” Dirk chirps. “Human sayings. I love that one. Also ‘different strokes for different folks.’ Louanna taught me that one recently. Gods know I’d love to give her a few strokes.”

“Enough!” I snap. “Pursue her or don’t, but if she says she has no interest, please refrain from chasing her like she’s a piece of meat. She’s still recovering.”

Dirk’s blue eyes go narrow and cold, his blue hair flowing above his head like glittering blue flames. “I’ll chase however I want, Keeper. I’m a hunter. Hunting is what I do, and if I want to hunt Louanna, it’s no business of yers.”

Arkan claps Dirk on the back with a tight smile. “Consent is king, friend.”

It’s Dirk’s turn to roll his eyes. “Naturally. I like my bedmates screaming with pleasure, not terror.”