- X

I predict at least five more sites by the end of this cycle.

- Z

Proceed with Project Abyssal.

- X

“What is Project Abyssal?” Renn asks softly. When Nate doesn’t respond he looks at his friend’s face and sees nothing short of pure horror. “Nate?”

He still says nothing, but Renn watches him as he pulls a file up onto the screen. “It took me a good four hours to hack it, but . . .” Renn places a hand on his shoulder to steady him. “I have no words, just look for yourself.”

Renn pulls up the folder and taps it open with his finger. Images and star maps flash up onto the screen. At first, it doesn’t seem like anything concerning, but as he takes a closer look, the realization hits him like a punch to the face.

“Oh my God.”

What appears in front of him is absolute destruction and death. Videos and images depict humans on planets across the galaxy being killed or imprisoned in what appears to be hostile takeovers. As Renn scans the maps, he sees certain planets have been marked as targets, and he realizes that many of them are places he and his crew have been this past year. The planets that are being hit in particular are classified as Primitive Planets, meaning that they are home to life forms that have no advanced technology or civilization. They are, in general terms, not to be touched. It’s against regulations to disturb the internal development of these planets. They’re strictly to be observed and never intervened with. It would be more of an invasion if the association were to try to create a connection with planets such as these, because first and foremost, the mission of the association is to establish peace throughout the galaxy.

“I don’t understand. Why would someone do this?” Renn asks. He means it more as a question to himself, and isn’t really looking for Nate to answer.

“That’s not all I found,” Nate says as he pulls up another file.

He taps it, and the documents that flood the screen are familiar—written orders that Renn has seen countless times over the years. He himself has written many orders as a captain. They have the title Project Abyssal on the top, a classified tag, and then a command typed below. All the orders are instructions to invade, capture, and detain, with the planet name and coordinates. But what makes Renn step away from the screen in utter disbelief is that every single order is signed by someone named A.T.G.

It can’t be, but the first name that pops into Renn’s mind is Admiral Thomas Grey. He runs a hand across his face, his mind running wild, his body feels like it will collapse.

“It can’t be. There has to be an explanation for this.”

Nate says nothing, his eyes still glued to the screen in front of them, but clearly, Nate has come to the same conclusion.

Renn doesn’t know how much time has passed when he finally says, “So, you’re telling me that Grey and someone on the Seraphim have been working together on, what? Taking over planets?”

Nate nods slowly. “All of the proof is right here.”

Renn moves around the desk and sits down, holding his head in his hands. He feels like he’s going to be sick. If what they’re assuming is true, then not only do they have a traitor on the ship, but he’s a high level leader, meaning there are probably others. Something like this couldn’t be brought to fruition by two people.

“This is just the surface, from what I can tell. Who knows who else is involved, or how long this has been going on,” Nate states simply. When Renn still says nothing after a minute or so, Nate speaks up again. “What are we going to do?”

Renn finally looks up at his friend, and he sees the desperation and fear etched in his deep brown eyes. “This is on me as captain of this crew and a commanding officer. It’s my responsibility to do what’s right.” Nate waits for him to go on. “We can’t tell anyone about this. We need to find out who the informant on the ship is first.” Nate gives him a knowing look. “I know what you’re going to say.”

“Renn, it has to be Locke. He is a menace, and not to mention a total asshole, and it can’t be a coincidence that Grey is coming here.”

“But what if we’re wrong? We don’t even know for sure if Grey is involved. It’s just an assumption.”

“A pretty convincing one, if you ask me.”

“You’re right, but still, if we confront Locke, he won’t take it well. Even if it isn't him, he will act out of anger.” Renn continues to talk slowly and calmly. “The admiral, on the other hand, may be more understanding if I confront him about it. If it’s true, then I need to make sure the safety of the crew will be insured.”

Nate stands and moves to sit on the edge of the desk in front of Renn. “But that means you’d be sacrificing yourself.” Renn nods. “You don’t think they would actually kill you?”

The captain pinches the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know what they’re capable of. I thought I knew this man. I trusted him with my career, my life, for years, yet I see this in front of me, and now nothing makes sense.”

Nate shoots to his feet before pacing the room. “What have I done?” His voice is panicky and uneven.

Renn stands and grabs his friend by the shoulders to stop him. “You did the right thing. Now it’s my turn.” Nate sighs deeply. “Whatever happens, we are in this together. But my orders are orders. You must do whatever I say. If it means keeping everyone else alive, then that is what needs to be done,” Renn says.

Nate gives him a sad smile. He steps away from Renn, straightens, and salutes. “Always, Captain. Always.”