“Hi to you too, and yes, I’m fine,” I say, smiling.
“Sorry, it’s just you’ve never called me before.”
He’s not wrong, and now that he’s brought it up, I realize I should’ve just messaged him.
“Oh, well, yeah. Um, are you still at work?” I quickly ask to cover my faltering.
“No, I just got home actually. I was going to clean up . . . then see what you were up to.” I blush with embarrassment. If I would have waited one more minute, I wouldn’t seem so desperate. And maybe I am, but at this point, I don’t think he thinks that based on his response. “Are you home?” he asks, and I can hear Shy’s paws clacking on the floor on his end of the line.
“Yeah. I got home a few hours ago after going to the coffee shop for a while.” I swallow nervously. “But my power went out, and I’m out of firewood.”
The pause on his end is entirely too long. I hold my breath for what feels like hours.
“I’m sure it’s just a breaker or something. I could fix it, but . . .” He inhales deeply like he’s thinking. “It will probably have to wait until tomorrow, when it’s not raining as hard.” I hear the smirk on his mouth. I get the feeling that he could fix it now if he really wanted to. But no, he’s going to make me work for it. “So . . .”
“So . . .” I play along, smiling to myself as it remains quiet on his side for another second or two, and for a moment, I wonder if he isn’t picking up on what I’m hoping he will say, but thankfully, he puts me out of my misery.
“You could come stay at my place if you want.”
The wide grin that comes across my face is nothing short of pure victory. “Okay, well, I mean, if you don’t mind.” I like playing this game with him.
“Not at all. Plus, it’s not like we haven’t slept together before.”
I stand shocked and can’t think fast enough. Then Renn starts laughing. Just when I thought I’d won . . . Damn him.
“I’m kidding. You can take the bed, and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No, Renn. I’ll take the couch.”
“Maven. No, I’m sleeping on the couch. You’ll sleep in my bed.” My bed. The thought of being cozied up in his bed, in his sheets that smell like him, gives me a tingly feeling in my core as I consider what that experience will be like—probably heavenly.
“I’ll take the couch,” I say sternly, blushing over the other thoughts I have of Renn’s bed.
He sighs deeply.
“You’re so stubborn, but fine, I won’t force you.”
“Thank you. I’ll head over in a little bit. I just need to pack a few things.”
“A few things? How long are you planning on staying, exactly?” he says, teasing, and it makes my stomach flip again. I like bantering with Renn, but I also secretly hope we aren't going to dance around each other all night in this flirty game of not talking about what’s really on our minds. There are things that I still need to say, and so much more I want to know about him.
“Well, how long until I wear out my welcome?”
He goes quiet again for a few beats.
“You would never. Not with me.”
And there it is, that flirtation turned serious, the tone of his voice making me weak in the knees. He always does this, charms me then hits me with something deeper, and it always feels unexpected but comforting at the same time.
“Well, I guess we will find out if you mean it.” I say, cheeks burning.
“Do you want me to come pick you up?” He asks. I don’t want to seem completely helpless, so I quickly respond, “Oh that’s okay. I don’t mind.”
“Alright then.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon, and Mave . . . be careful. I’ll be waiting for you.” He ends the call and I realize that it’s the first time he’s called me “Mave”.