Itake a very long, very hot shower, taking my time to soak and breathe in the steam. Lying in bed for several days made me feel suffocated and gross; I needed the extra time just to feel alive again. I walk back to my room, a towel wrapped around myself with another one holding up my hair. I find my charger and plug my phone in. The cord is long enough for me to flop onto the bed while I wait for it to come to life. Once it does, I see I have three messages from Tasha and two missed calls from my mom. I message Tasha back first.
Tasha: Just checking in. Call me later.
Then there’s a message from a few hours later.
Tasha: So, did you get a visit from a certain someone last night???
Then another one this morning.
Tasha: Call me!!!
Maven: Hey!
Tash messages me back immediately.
Tasha: Mave! Finally! So…did Renn come by last night?
I roll my eyes, smiling as I type back.
Maven: He did.
Tasha: AND?
Maven: I’ll explain everything when I see you.
Tasha: You’re going to make me wait? Seriously?
Maven: This is definitely an in-person conversation.
Tasha: Fine. Mom and I are heading back tomorrow, so we should be home in a few days at most, maybe sooner.
She sends another message before I can reply.
Tasha: So, are you okay? You kind of scared all of us for a minute there.
Maven: I’m completely fine. More than fine. And I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that to you guys.
Tasha: GOOD! You know we love you, right? We want you to be happy.
Maven: Of course I do.
Tasha: Good! I’ll see you in a couple of days.
Maven: Be safe coming home. Love you!
Tasha: Love you too! And you better not leave out ANYTHING that happened with Renn.
Next, I call my mom.
“Thank goodness. I was getting so worried.” Her exasperated tone doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Hello to you too, Mom, and let me start by saying I am totally fine.”
“I got in touch with Tasha when you didn’t call me back,” she says, ignoring my response completely.
“And what did she say?”
“That she hadn’t talked to you and that she was sending Renn over to check up on you.”