After I left Faith, I locked myself in my office. Brooding, I’d watched the club and our patrons from the security feed. Every single member had enjoyed their night. There had been hot, throbbing sex all around. As the club’s CEO, I recognized a win when I saw one.

On a personal level, the night was an utter disaster.

I believed buying Faith and having my way with her would cleanse the girl from my system. But that didn’t happen. Instead, tasting her sweet flesh had ignited a fire in me that felt out of control. Exploring her nubile virgin body had been an exercise in worship. I’d never tasted someone so pure before. When her sex became coated in wetness for me when Faith moaned and cried out from my ministrations, a fierce, hot pride bloomed in my chest. When I brought her to orgasm, and she screamed my name, I felt like I’d died and been reborn.

It was too much. As someone who thrived on being in control, I recognized when I was dangerously close to losing it. It rarely happened, but last night was an exception. I was on the edge.

So, instead of penetrating my virgin as I’d planned, I decided to take matters into my own hands. When she’d knelt before me, I felt like my dreams were coming true. I wanted Faith so badly that I felt like I might burst. Taking her would have been a mistake—I knew I would lose myself in her. My attraction was too intense. Somehow, it was beyond physical. I hoped coming on her face would free me, give me peace, or stop the craving.

All it had accomplished was making me want her more.

Our interaction had elicited a deep, savage ache inside me, unlike anything I’d ever experienced. When I’d made Faith orgasm, when she’d cried out, I felt high. I eschewed alcohol and drugs; I never wanted to lose control. But that was precisely the feeling that coursed through me when I was with the virgin. Everything felt sharper—my senses, my presence, my desire. I’d never wanted anyone so much.

It didn’t feel safe. My wild, raging desire for Faith didn’t play nicely with all my carefully laid plans.

So I fired her, threw her phone to the floor, and left without a glance backward.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t watching her. I’d followed the security video as she stole from the club, keeping to its shadowy edges. I ensured she returned to her suite and watched her room’s video as she’d slept.

That morning, Faith had agreed to stay. The Madam had told her I still intended to pay for my platinum rights, which I’d already done. Ten million dollars was nothing to me, not if it meant that I could put the entanglement with Faith behind me.

That was my plan: pay her and set her free. That would also freeme; I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about anything. Faith would make more money this way than if I hadn’t walked away. She was coming out on top by earning two million dollars from me and two million dollars from her next platinum benefactor. She would be able to take care of her sick brother. She would have enough money to live her life once she left the club.

I never had to think about her again.

I told Gina that I wanted Faith out of my sight. That wouldn’t be entirely possible, but at least she’d been warned. I didn’t want the girl coming near me. I’d had enough of Faith.

For the rest of the weekend, I intended to fuck my way through multiple club employees. Except for Faith, all the virgins had been reserved. So, although I wouldn’t be fulfilling that particular fantasy, I had plenty of others. I would take any girl I wanted, any way I wanted, and I would lose myself in hot, mindless sex. Club 444 offered every fantasy, and I intended to indulge.

Faith’s virginity would be merely a memory by the end of the weekend. Gina said the beautiful virgin had garnered much interest amongst the patrons and that she had a long waiting list.Fine with me.Let one of the other patrons go platinum and take her virginity. I was confident I wouldn’t feel the same way about her once that happened.

Which was precisely what I wanted. Because I, Cassius Blackwood, had entirely too much at stake to ever lose my edge.

* * *

I was at my desk when Rhodes called. “Brother, come down to the pool. It’s a beautiful day. You havegotto see the action,” he said. “Trust me when I say you won’t want to miss it.”

He hung up before I could argue.

It was late afternoon, and the sun was tantalizingly high in the sky. New England summers were notoriously short. Rhodes was right—I should stop working and enjoy myself. That was why I’d opened the club, wasn’t it?

I changed into swim trunks, put on my black Yves St. Laurent sunglasses, and headed to the pool deck. As soon as I saw the party going on, I was glad Rhodes had called me. Girls—beautiful, nubile young girls—were everywhere. Many of them were topless; they wore tiny thong bikinis, their banging bodies on proud display in the glistening sunshine. I’d never seen so many gorgeous women in one place.

The patrons were undoubtedly enjoying themselves. Our immaculate pool staff waited on them, serving Caribbean-inspired cocktails, acai bowls, and fresh fruit. Several members were smoking cigars.

Several were also getting blow jobs by club workers.

Rhodes sprawled out on his lounger, sunglasses on, working on his tan. He grinned at me and tipped his flute ofVeuvein my direction. “We have got to give Gina a raise. These are the hottest girls I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“They are exceptional.”I peered at the young woman across from me, a redhead. She wore a hot-pink bikini and was sucking a matching daiquiri through a strawverysuggestively. “Did you mingle last night?”

Rhodes laughed. “That’s one way to put it. What about you? I didn’t see you around. I figured you’d taken one of the virgins and that I wouldn’t see you for twenty-four hours.”

“I paid for one of the virgins, but I didn’t end up taking her.”I shrugged, feigning indifference. “She wasn’t for me.”

“The blonde?”Rhodes asked. “The one you put the necklace on?”

Unfortunately, my brother didn’t miss much. “Yes, but she’s back on the market.”