Page 7 of Mr. Bossy

It had me rethinking everything.

Had the job finally gotten to me?Had I been corrupted by the strip club life?

Or was it him?

The bossy Russian was back a few days later, standing at the edge of the stage right as I started my set.

He’d come back to catch the entire show this time.

I tried to ignore him, but there was something in the air when he was close, something he put there that made me incapable of pretending that he was one among many.

Still, I tried my best, strutting up to the guy closest to him, having that poor, drooling schmuck undo my skirt for me, meeting Mr. Bossy’s narrowed gaze as it happened.

I felt myself flushing in pleasure as I saw his reaction to that.I’d made him mad.Good.What his anger did to his eyes did something amazing to me, made my heart race, my body thrumming with need.

God, I wanted him.

Which was why I needed to stay the hell away from him.

“I don’t want to see him,” I told the manager, Benny, after my set.I’d been ignoring the bossy Russian, but of course that didn’t work, and eventually even my manager heard about my negligence.“Give him someone else.”

“He’s requesting you.And he’s very persuasive.”

Which meant he was loaded.

Benny wasn’t a bad guy, in fact I always thought he was the reason Exhibitionist was actually a decent joint, for a strip club.He let us all do what we were comfortable with.All of the girls did as they pleased as long as they weren’t making any messes.We could say yes or no to whatever situations arose.Benny didn’t particularly care.He got a cut of everything, either way.

“He’s troublesome for me, Benny,” I said, a plea in my voice that I didn’t like but used nonetheless.“Please.I don’t want to see him.”

“Did he put his hands on you?” Benny asked, looking instantly irate.“If he did something to you, tell me now.I don’t care who he is, I’ll kick his ass out of here myself.”

I smiled fondly at him.His indignation on my behalf caused an instant change in my mood, made my cynical heart lighter for a change.“No, forget it, Benny.It’s nothing like that.It’s fine.I’ll go talk to him.

“He requested champagne.”

I felt myself blush as I turned away.“Of course he did,” I muttered.

“This champagne isn’t going anywhere but in a glass,” were my first words to the bossy Russian.

He grinned.“Go ahead, blame the champagne,” he said in that sexy accent that made me want to shudder in delight, “That suits me just fine.”

He had a bottle of vodka and a glass in front of him.From the look of him and the bottle, he had no need for the champagne, but I poured us both a glass anyway, toasting him but staying well out of his reach.“I have another rule,” I said conversationally.“No private dances behind the curtain.”

“Well, of course I’m disappointed, but I actually came here because I wanted to talk to you.”

I laughed out loud at that.“Oh yeah.I get that all the time.Men just love talking to me.”

His smile grew.I was mocking him but he didn’t take offense.“I’m serious.I have a proposition for you.”

I rolled my eyes.I’d heard that one plenty of times.

“I want you to accompany me to a wedding,” he said.

If he’d asked to snort coke out of my asshole while he paid a crowd to watch I’d have been less shocked.

“You’re drunk,” I pointed out.He maintained well, but I’d detected just the slightest slur behind his accent.

He smiled lazily.“So?What’s that got to do with anything?”