His lips tighten as he meets my gaze. “I’m not gonna execute Kerry’s best friend.”
“Chances are you’ll never see your Kerry again anyway, so worrying about what she’d think is moot. This is about protecting the family.”
Christian stands so abruptly the chair topples and falls to the floor with a crash. “Go fuck yourself,” he growls.
I dart up and grab his collar, pulling him to me. “You better mind your fucking attitude. This is your final warning. I’ll do the girl. Forget about her. Clean yourself up and don’t show your face around here until you’re back to the Christian we know and love.”
He scoffs and shoves me off him. I let go of his shirt and straighten as I stare him down.
Downing the last of his coffee he sets the cup down too hard on the thick wooden table. “Fuck this shit,” he mutters and storms out of the kitchen. Half a minute later I hear the front door slam.
I sigh and sink back on the chair, making a mental list. One more thing to do today. Find the girl and off her.