, I’m not,” Kate replied firmly.

At the kitchen island, Calli’s brows drew together in surprised dismay.

, you are,” Holly insisted.

Kate slumped against the back of the sofa, hangers and dresses suspended from both hands. , I am,” she admitted. I’m so scared. Last night, I convinced myself it would be okay—safe—if I loved him just a little bit.”

do you feel today?”

With a defeated sigh, Kate said, there’s no way to love him just a little bit. He’s completely addictive. If I could pull him over me like a blanket and wrap myself up in him, I’d do it and still want to be closer—body and soul. And what makes it so hard is that I think he feels the same way.”

thought that the last time.”

Kate nodded and shoved away from the sofa, her shoulders slumping a little. know.”

is he coming back?”

Glancing at her watch, Kate said, called to say that he and Danny were running late but that they’d be here by six. I need to be downstairs at eight tonight to greet the major and his party, then Mitchell and I are going somewhere for dinner.”

Holly rose. ’s five-thirty, so I’d better get going. Do you want me to stop and feed Max and the cats on my way home?”

,” Kate said, returning to her bedroom to put away the rejected outfits. She’d already put on her makeup and fixed her hair so that she’d look nice when Danny and Mitchell got back, and now she had time on her hands. ’re going to bring them here until the police capture Billy Wyatt. I keep the local news on up here all day, expecting to hear an announcement that Billy’s been taken into custody, but until that happens we’ll be living above the restaurant. The security system here is much better than the one at my house.”

’s Molly doing?”

’s doing really well. She wants to come back to work tomorrow, but I want her to stay home and rest for a few more days.”


Already smiling, Kate hurried down the hallway from her bedroom to see what Mitchell and Danny had bought during their outing. The sight of Danny standing in the middle of the room, grinning expectantly, almost stopped her heart. Gone were his long curls and clothes from Baby Gap. His black hair was styled just like Mitchell’s, and he was wearing a vested suit, tie, and shiny black shoes. To top it off, he was posing with one hand in his pocket, the other behind his back.

The sight of him made her heart both swell with pride and contract with helpless longing for the baby he had seemed to be only hours before. ’ve been shopping at Baby Brooks Brothers!” Kate joked.

you a present,” Danny said, drawing his hand out from behind his back and proudly showing her a bedraggled daisy, which he delivered to her at a run.

’s beautiful,” Kate said, sending a smiling glance to Mitchell.

He smiled back and said to Danny, Mommy her other present.”

Grinning Mitchell’s grin, Danny dug into his suit pocket and pulled out an ornate locket on a slender chain. Kate’s hand shook a little as she held the beautiful golden heart. She was being drawn deeper and deeper into fantasies of being part of a family, of being loved and cherished by the black-haired man who was already teaching his son to bring flowers to his mommy.

She looked up to say thank you to Mitchell, but his attention was suddenly riveted to the television set. He strode toward it, turning up the volume.

four o’clock this afternoon,” the anchor intoned, “Chicago police apprehended Billy Wyatt, seventeen, who is suspected of kidnapping Daniel Donovan from a local park yesterday. Sources inside the police department say that Wyatt has admitted to the kidnapping, but that he is blaming Chicago attorney Evan Bartlett for giving him the idea. According to these sources, Wyatt conceived the idea of kidnapping Daniel Donovan after Bartlett showed him a recent newspaper article including a picture of Daniel and his mother, restaurateur Kate Donovan. Bartlett allegedly told Wyatt that Daniel’s father is Mitchell Wyatt, on whom Billy has long blamed his misfortunes.

reporter Sidney Solomon caught up with Bartlett tonight at Gleneagles Country Club.”

Kate turned around and stepped back in alarm at the sight of Mitchell’s clenched jaw and blazing eyes as he watched Evan, tennis racket in hand, evoke attorney-client privilege and stride off to play a match.

son of a bitch!” Mitchell muttered between his teeth.

!” Danny echoed feelingly.

Mitchell made an unsuccessful effort to look calm for Danny’s sake, then he kissed Kate good-bye as if he scarcely knew she was there. In the doorway he turned and said, have an errand to run. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

Chapter Fifty

’LL GET IT,Calli,” Kate called when there was a knock at the apartment door shortly after nine o’clock. Calli ignored her and got to the door first. Mitchell was an hour late, and when Kate saw Detective MacNeil and Gray Elliott standing in the doorway, she panicked. , my God, what’s happened?” she cried.

Bartlett is in the hospital with a broken jaw and several cracked ribs,” Gray said, peering around her and into the apartment. we come in?”

, of course,” Kate said.

’s Wyatt, Kate?”

Kate knew as he asked the question what he was getting at, and her mind went into overdrive, thinking of ways to protect Mitchell. Evan saying Mitchell did it?” she asked, trying to sound scornful.

didn’t see who assaulted him. His assailant was waiting for him in the parking lot at Gleneagles Country Club when he finished playing tennis tonight.”

works out at a gym; he can protect himself,” Kate said, stalling for time, trying to think of an alibi for Mitchell when the inevitable question was asked.

is Wyatt?” Gray repeated more firmly.

don’t understand why you’re looking for Mitchell. Um, did you find any evidence that it was him?”

assailant was wearing thin rubber gloves—like the kind your kitchen staff uses.”

, well, then there’s your proof it wasn’t Mitchell. He’s never been in our kitchen.”

busboy said he stopped in there at about six o’clock tonight and asked for a glass of water.”

Unable to think clearly—or to be more accurate,deviously —with Gray’s eyes boring holes through her, Kate said, “Would you excuse me for just a minute? This is very upsetting.”

Turning on her heel, she headed for the bedroom hallway, and to her alarm, she heard Gray’s footsteps on the carpet, following her far enough to note where she was going. Inside her bedroom, Kate leaned against the closed door, trying to think of a believable alibi.