you know for certain who the father is?”

Kate looked up at Bonnie. In the three weeks following her father’s death she hadn’t wanted to make love; that was part of the reason Evan had been so insistent about taking her away for a Caribbean holiday.

She was pregnant with Mitchell Wyatt’s baby.

A wave of hysteria welled up inside her, combining with dizziness and nausea, and Kate clutched the edge of Bonnie’s desk. , yes,” she said bitterly. know who the father is.”

Chapter Thirty-nine

, IT’S ME!” Holly called, letting herself in the front door of Kate’s house with the key she’d used to look after the cats while Kate was in the islands. Max ran up to greet her, tail wagging.

fine watchdog you are,” she teased, absently patting his big head, but she was worried. Kate’s car was in the driveway, the windows covered in a half inch of snow, which meant she’d been home awhile that evening, but she wasn’t answering her phone and the house was dark. Yesterday, she’d found out she was pregnant, and she’d decided to tell Evan about it earlier today, rather than waiting a few days to think things through as Holly had advised. Kate had, however, planned to take Holly’s suggestion about going to Evan’s office and telling him there, where he couldn’t make a scene.


the living room,” Kate called. She turned on a lamp and hastily shoved aside the pillow she’d been clutching to her while she stared numbly into the dark. fell asleep,” she lied. you want some coffee?”

,” Holly said.

time is it?” Kate asked

little after six.”

Swinging her legs off the sofa, Kate got up and headed for the kitchen with Holly trailing behind. have to change clothes and go to work. I should have been at the restaurant two hours ago.”

As she started spooning coffee into the coffeemaker, Holly walked over to the cupboard and took out two mugs. it go okay with Evan today?”

In answer, Kate held out her left hand, which was now devoid of an engagement ring. didn’t really expect it to go well,” she said in a carefully expressionless voice as she filled the coffee carafe with water. “After all, I went there to tell him his fianc was pregnant by another man who he happens to despise. But—”

what?” Holly persisted.

Bracing her hands on the sink, Kate let her head fall forward while she watched the water level rise in the carafe. I never imagined it could go asbadly as it did. He turned pale when I first told him, but then he recovered and even put his arm around me and told me it wasn’t my fault, that Mitchell had made a victim out of both of us. He said we could undo the damage and go on with our lives like it never happened.”

went wrong?”

told him I wasn’t sure I could go through with an abortion.”

what happened?”

completely lost it,” Kate said tonelessly. Belatedly realizing the carafe was overflowing, she turned the water tap off and filled the coffeemaker with fresh water; then she flipped the switch on. “Did you ever wonder how a calm, even-tempered man like Evan could possibly intimidate anyone in court?”

’ve wondered why everyone thinks he’s such a good attorney. Turn around and talk to me,” Holly said, putting her hands on Kate’s shoulders and forcing her to turn.

, you don’t have to wonder anymore,” Kate said, swallowing audibly. afternoon, I got a dose of what it must be like to be cross-examined by him. He started out making quick, deep cuts with a scalpel about little things I’ve done over the years that he put up with, and then he got out the hacksaw. By the time he was done, he was calling me names and shouting at me so loud that everyone on that floor must have heard him. Finally, he told me to get out and never come back.”

hypocrite! Don’t think for a minute he’s been faithful to you for the past four years. There have been plenty of rumors about him.”

Turning away, Kate reached for the sugar bowl and two spoons. were just rumors. I’m the one who’s guilty and dirty, not him.”

I right that he would have been willing to continue ‘putting up with you’ if you’d agreed to have an abortion?”

. Definitely,” Kate replied, trying to be flippant and sounding haunted instead. fact, at times I had the feeling he actually thought an abortion would be a form of suitable payback—Mitchell’s baby in return for the insult to Evan’s and my pride.”

doesn’t care about your pride. This is about the Bartlett pride. I’ll bet he’d have been a lot less affronted if you’d gotten knocked up by someone he regarded as his social equal.”

Kate almost, but not quite, smiled at that.

’ve told you for years that Evan has two sides—”

’t,” Kate said, turning back to the counter. despise the way he treated me, and I wouldn’t go back to him after today if he begged me to, but he was crushed. I wounded him in Anguilla when I told him what I’d done, but today I devastated him.”

In silence, they sat at the kitchen table, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. Kate gave Holly a mug of it and handed her the sugar bowl; then she picked up her own mug and started for the bedroom. “I hate to leave you here, but I have to get dressed and go to work.”

, you don’t. You’ve been working until midnight every night since you got back from Anguilla.”

was off two nights ago for our movie night.”

was Sunday, and the restaurant was closed. The restaurant can run itself for one night.”

Kate turned, looked at the coffee mug she was holding, then she looked at Holly and said in angry misery, ’m so sleepy because I’m pregnant that I can hardly stand up, and I’m pregnant because I actually thought I was in love with a man who turned out to be a ruthless, depraved monster. If there is a God, I will miscarry!” Kate said, and then the dam broke, and she wept in Holly’s arms. if I wanted to have a baby right now, I’d be terrified of the kind of genes this baby could have inherited from its father. He’s a m-monster!”

know,” Holly said, smiling a little and patting Kate’s back. , let’s go in the living room. You can call the restaurant, and I’ll pick out a movie and we’ll have a sleepover.”

Holly decided onPretty Woman, because it was lighthearted and frivolous. cannot have this baby!” Kate whispered from the sofa behind her. She was asleep by the time Holly started the movie and looked around.

on, Max,” Holly whispered. don’t know about you, but I could definitely use something stronger than coffee. Let’s raid the wine rack.”