“So they say,” the xaphan muses low. “I don’t believe that shit, but that’s what the rumor is. And Zathex was a close friend of Gorran, so he’s been looking for revenge against any human over on New Solas. He’s planning a raid on an unsuspecting village.”
“Far away from the city center?”
“Yep. Full of poor pathetic humans that no one will give a shit about. He’ll take the women and bring them to the auction house to sell. I’m not expecting a large amount of profit because I highly doubt there will be anything worthwhile in that haul.”
“That’s for sure,” a xaphan quips. “Those humans don’t eat meat. They eat shit from the ground and turn it into broth. They’re all skin and bones over there.”
“Yeah, well, Gorran sees potential in them, even if they’re not much.”
Gorran is brazen, I’ll give him that.
Humans are in especially high demand right now. Xaphans, demons, and anyone else with nodals to spare bet wildly in the auction house at New Solas. I’ve never been within those walls, but I’ve heard tales and rumors that I’d rather not believe. Xaphans and demons alike, bursting at the seams with excitement to own a human slave?
It just can’t be possible. No human is that valuable.
Still, this might be the best way to disrupt Gorran’s profits while undermining his whole business scheme.
If he thinks he can continue to obtain an easy stream of nodals while letting others do his dirty work, then his days are numbered.
“Demon.” The xaphan bartender slams his fist against the counter. I perk a brow, wondering if I should strangle the life out of him with the shadow tendrils that extend from my back. “How much longer are you going to spend on my stools? You’re taking up the room.”
“If I pay you well, that shouldn’t be a problem,” I reply simply.
But the xaphan looks less than amused. “I don’t like serving your kind.”
“That’s funny.” I smile, but there’s no amusement behind my words. “I believe you’re on Ikoth. Did you forget?”
“I have not,” he grumbles. “But it won’t be long until we run you off the continent like we’ve done everywhere else. So count your days, demon.”
The only reason why I have not killed this xaphan right where he stands is that it would attract too much attention towards me. Instead of arguing further, I offer a nod of the head, down the rest of my shit drink, and toss the pitcher onto the ground with a slam. The pitcher crumbles pitifully on the floor, a mess for the bartender to clean up.
“You bastard!” he yells. “You should pay for that!”
I’m already out the door at this point. I’ve learned what I needed to learn, so there’s no use staying around.
What’s interesting is the xaphan who bumps into my shoulder at the door, nearly knocking the cloak from my head. He scoffs loudly, turning my way.
“Fucking demons,” he mumbles. “Always walking around like you own the place.”
When my eyes meet his, it doesn’t take me long to recognize this xaphan as the one who has consumed my thoughts far more than necessary. Gorran, with his bright eyes and his arrogant expression, stares at me as if I’m less than. As if I can’t kill him on the spot.
“Are you mute? Are you not going to apologize for touching my wings?” he spits.
I can’t disclose too much information about myself or my intentions, so I turn and continue down the road. Gorran mumbles words under his breath. For his sake, it’s better if I don’t hear them.
My patience is running exceptionally thin.
There’s no use focusing on that anymore. Instead, my mind runs wild with ideas on how I will disrupt Gorran’s ongoing slave trade on New Solas. If it’s true that he’s running a raid on a human village, his cronies will be directing a caravan back to the trading hub.
I’ll strike then. And I’ll tear down his empire.
When my eyes flutter open, I’m met with the stench of unwashed bodies, the sobs of the girl next to me, and the crack of a whip on fragile human skin. I flinch, and my stomach recoils at the wails that soon follow.
“Quiet!” The xaphans who captured us don’t hold back their contempt. “I’ll cut out your damn tongue if you don’t stop crying.”