Page 53 of Lich's Mate

For a moment, I hesitate. I lower the hood on my head to obscure my face even more and quickly jump to the side, hiding behind an ornamental tree-like statue.

Those are some of the cruel xaphan guards who captured me! I think I remember their names… Vork, Hagnos, and Rorth…What if they overpower me again?

My head is spinning, and the coldness of my skin surprises me when I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

I want to run away! I want to…

Suddenly, I hear Kavian’s voice in my head, reminding me to stay focused and remember the plan.

A calmness flows over me and my heart starts to calm down.

I slowly inhale and exhale before straightening my back. I walk out behind the statue and head directly for the guards.

The tallest one, Hagnos, notices me first.

“Hey, halt! Who are you? What’s your business here?”

The other three look over at me, their eyes alert.

“Oh, you don’t remember me?” I put a hand on my chest. “Well, that just hurt my feelings. Surely, you know who I am?”

I whip the hood off my head and grin at them, their surprised expressions almost comical.

“You!” Rorth growls at me and starts to charge in my direction.

Vork grabs his arm and stops him in his tracks. “No! We aren’t allowed to act against a freed slave. Do you want to lose your head?”

“Fuck!” Rorth glances at the other guards before he turns to glare at me.

I put my hands on my hips. “So… how’s life been? Treating you guys well?”

Vork bares his teeth at me but none of them respond to my questions.

“As for me, well… life’s been great. The big demon who bought me is very rich and lives in a really nice place. So I live in a really nice place.” I start pacing, counting my blessings on my fingers. “I get to eat only the best food, take very long hot baths, drink expensive alcohol…and…”

I look at the guards, who are very unimpressed with me.

“And I get to share a bed with a demon.” I wink at them, laughing at their disgusted expressions.

“Fuck this. No one can report our behavior if the bitch is dead.” Rorth runs at me, his claws extended and eager to tear into my flesh.

I jump back, filled with fear once more when a sudden movement catches my eye.

Kavian melts out of the shadows behind them, his eyes glowing bright with demonic power.

That is so fucking hot. No, wait, Meera. Focus.

A shiver runs down my spine, and the adrenaline starts to course through my veins.

This is it. Payback.

Shadows spread out from their feet and start to swirl tightly around their legs like tentacles.

Confused, the three of them try to kick off the shadows but only end up flailing like idiots.

The shadows make their way up the guards’ bodies and wrap around their necks.

They claw at their throats, trying to fight off the visible but intangible enemy that’s slowly squeezing the life out of them.