Page 18 of Lich's Mate

I feel fear of the unknown wind through my body, coursing through my veins and making my mind go numb. The caravan is still moving slowly over the stone path but the chatter of our captors is becoming increasingly excited, only matched by the excitement of their surroundings.

I assume we’re in the trading hub—it’s long after sunset but there is still an audible buzz and the sound of wares being traded.

In the distance, I hear a merchant and customer quarrel over an unfairly steep price that even the gods wouldn’t afford. Their argument is drowned out by a young musician enthusiastically playing her liya, much to the joy of listeners.

The smell of various spices, herbs, and perfumes clash and mix together. It all threatens to overwhelm my senses. I close my eyes and focus on trying to spot landmarks. The darkness makes it impossible.

I no longer cling to my cage, mercifully not forced by the dreaded shake and rattle of the caravan to hold on for dear life.

In fact, the ride is surprisingly smooth despite the thick crowd in the streets that hurriedly moves out of our way.

We’re nearing our final destination.

No. I can’t just give in and up like that. I will find a way to escape, even if I lose limbs doing so.

We come to a full stop in a dark back alley and the xaphan don themselves in hoods hiding their faces.

I don’t have time to wonder about their curious behavior—I’m plucked from my cage by rough and uncaring hands. I bite back the seething insults spinning on the tip of my tongue.

The other women are silent as well, they know that putting up a fight will only serve to irritate the xaphan brutes.

Why so on edge, you bastards? Is it maybe because selling people isn’t the morally okay thing to do even here?

“Shut your mouths and try to look pretty now, little human.” A putrid smell wafts over my neck as one of the guards hovers over me to whisper in my ear.

I do my best to hold back the shiver of disgust washing over me but can’t hide the repulsion from my face.

He grins, teeth brown and yellow, his thick tongue licking lips that are cracked and caked with grime.

“That attitude will earn you many beatings. I hope you’re bought by a demon with a love for human screams.”

We’re ushered into a dark holding room and the alarm I feel is reflected on the pale faces of the other women.

Abigail is still clutching her wrist, though it seems to have stopped bleeding.

Snickers and pointed fingers lead my attention to the guards, who are openly leering at us.

“I think that one will fetch a decent price. She’s got just the look these fucking demons want.”

My stomach drops when his eyes meet mine, and I nearly let out an audible sigh when it darts to a woman behind me.

I glance at her. She has long black hair that still manages to shine somewhat despite her journey so far. Bright green eyes hide under thick lashes as she shyly looks away, holding herself tightly.

Filthy assholes. It’s the obvious terror they find interesting in her.

One of the guards walks over to me, his nose turned up in revulsion. “This creature will be lucky if she’s even bought. No one likes a slave that deems itself an equal.”

His gigantic, filthy hand runs along my waist, his eyes traveling down my body. I feel like I want to throw up, but I steel myself and hold my head high, my back straight.

Repulsive fuck, you’ll never see me grovel in fear.

His eyes travel up and down my body several times and he doesn’t even try to hide what he’s thinking. “Even the toughest animal can be tamed with the right methods.” He chuckles at his own joke and I look away, refusing to entertain him.

Turned off by my defiance, the guard loses interest and walks back to his buddies. They continue to laugh and joke about who will fetch the highest bids.

Abigail whispers next to me, her voice shaky with distress. “They’re not able to bid on us, right?”

I shake my head. “No. As far as I understand, we’re up for bid by demons.” I don’t add that our fates aren’t that much rosier with our potential future masters, but I don’t have to. She understands.