But my eyes don’t lie. The bike flies toward me. It’s go time.
Our only chance to flee the MC life and escape forever.
The music thrums through the room, and I disappear into the crowd, slinking back until my back touches a solid wall. Anxiety churns in my gut, and I rub my sweaty palms up and down the rough material of my jeans before heading to grab a drink.
Need to look as normal as possible.
“Hey, Legacy. What can I get ya?” asks Shaka from behind the bar. He’s prospecting with me, Hunter, and Charming. Dude looks like he belongs in some kind of surfer magazine—not an MC clubhouse, but the guy can throw down like nobody’s business. There’s some serious dark living inside him—just like me.
“Beer me,” I tell him, inching around the bar until I can see the entire room. Pirate loves to sneak up on me, so my back never feels right unless I’ve got something secure behind me. A beer slides across the smooth wooden top. The long-necked brown bottle already has drops of condensation dripping down the sides. We bump fists. “Thanks.”
Bringing the chilled glass to my lips, I tip my head back, allowing the cool beer to slide down my dry throat. Only one. Gotta nurse it until everyone’s too fucked up to notice me slip away. My eyes dart to Pirate.
He’s done with the blond, who’s now crying, sprawled in front of the throne. He gives her a kick with his foot, pushing her away with a sneer, clearly displeased with her oral skills. But he’s not done.
No, not even close.
“This calls for a Pussy Parade,” Pirate hollers, and the crowd of my soon-to-be brothers whoop and hoot in excitement. This sick fuckin’ spectacle is one of my father’s favorites—and even worse, it’s gonna keep him sober for longer.
Meanin’ I can’t die just yet.
The urge to check my watch is strong, and my eyes meet Venom’s across the room. He frowns and gives me a subtle shake of his head. Yeah, Pirate isn’t nearly fucked up enough for me to escape.
“Who wants in?” my old man roars over cheers, and I hunch down in my cut, hoping like hell to blend in and keep out of sight. Plenty of brothers shuffle forward, Hunter and Charming included, and then the shoving begins.
Girl after girl is pushed to the center of the room—willing or unwilling. The only ones with immunity are the Ol’ Ladies who sit proudly; looking on in their own leather ‘Property Of” vests that show they belong. No cut, no claim, no mercy.
The club’s cunts know the drill, and they immediately strip off their clothing, placing them on the pool table and standing next to one another with their legs spread. The other women react in a variety of ways, from complete confusion to down-to-fuck excitement. Some plead with the brother they came with, begging not to be stripped in public. Some cry. And others are all too happy to step up and comply, looking forward to being drilled mercilessly.
Doesn’t matter though—in mere seconds, they’re all naked and pushed into a line. All except for one little brunette who tried to make a run for the doors at the back. Stupid bitch.
“Grab her, Legacy,” my father roars out. Fuck. Bitches who aren’t ready to spread their legs for a brother shouldn’t come to the goddamn clubhouse. Clenching my jaw, I step right into her path. She doesn’t even make it difficult and runs straight into my gut. And the chick’s so small I barely feel it.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” I grit out, grabbing her arm when she tries to dart past me. Tears fill her dark eyes, and the desire to let her go fills me—but, fuck, I can’t. I hate this piece of shit life. I hate being the big bad wolf.
“Please let me leave,” she whimpers, her lower lip quivering as she attempts to tug away. “I don’t want any part of whatever’s about to happen.” Her voice is low, begging pitifully, and her weakness only means Pirate’s gonna enjoy this more.
Another black mark to darken my soul.
“Sorry, bitch. Called too much attention to yourself. Just do as you’re told, and hopefully, it won’t be too bad,” I tell her, trying to make her understand. “Don’t fight it. If you do, he’s gonna hurt you.”
With that, I give her a shove, propelling her forward into the feral crowd, who rip and tear at her clothing until she winds up naked in front of an ever-gleeful Pirate.
He towers over the petite brunette. “Well, look at what we have here,” he chuckles darkly, gold front teeth glinting. Reaching out, he runs a dirty finger down her tan skin, and his smile gets impossibly larger when she flinches from the touch. “What’s wrong, my treasure? You don’t want to play with Pirate?”
The clubhouse is once again almost completely silent. All that can be heard are some sniffles from the naked women who have no desire to be part of the Pussy Parade. But everyone around here knows that if you come to the Demon Breakers’ parties, you ain’t gonna leave without a good fuckin’. And it may not be with the brother you wanted. Bitches don’t get choices here.
The girl is trembling so hard now that I can feel it in my bones. Disgust fills me, and I glance away, unable to watch; knowing exactly what’s going to come next.
Fortunately, the girl heeds my earlier warning, and she keeps her head down in complete submission. “I—I—I’m s-s-sorry. I just got scared,” she stutters out with a sob. He trails his filthy hands to her breasts, pretty little handfuls that barely fill his palms. He squeezes them, hard.
“Look at how red these tiny tits get,” he roars, slapping each one until they turn nearly molten. The poor girl is screaming her head off, howling in pain, and Charming turns green, eyes widening like he’s about to puke as he holds her at the behest of our Prez.
With no forewarning, Pirate bends lower and forces his hand between her legs.